Programs/Services KwikComply (formerly TRACK4LA® Film Permits - Insurance Instructions SPARTA & the Special Events Liability Insurance Programs (SELIP) Insurance & Bonds Compliance Program Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) Forms/Documents Instructions for City Insurance Requirements
General Proof of
Insurance Insurance Forms (Interactive) Bond Forms (Interactive) Standard Provisions for City Contracts Bond Document Execution Instructions Instructions & Info on Submitting Bonds
The City of Los Angeles is to be protected to the maximum extent feasible against loss or liability, which would significantly affect personnel, property, finances, or the ability of the City to continue to fulfill its responsibilities to the taxpaying public. The Risk Management team manages the central Risk Management function for the City. We are a service provider, working closely with all operating departments within the City. Staffed with experts in various aspects of risk management, we are dedicated to minimizing or eliminating the exposure of City assets and resources to accidental and business loss. We also work with the public through our review and acceptance of insurance and bond documents. Services provided by Risk Management include:
City Links City Clerk (file a claim for damages) Personnel Dept. Safety Division City Risk Mgmt. Links Department of Water & Power - Risk Management Port of Los Angeles - Risk Management Los Angeles World Airports - Risk Management FAQ Contact Us |
Updated 09/23/2022