Page 145 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 145

                                     DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

              2018-19     2019-20      2019-20                                                            2020-21
              Actual      Adopted     Estimated                   Program/Code/Description                Contract
            Expenditures   Budget    Expenditures                                                         Amount

                                                  Council and Public Services - FB1401
          $           41,427  $           11,500  $           35,000  1. Foreign language interpreters...........................................................................  $           11,500
                      11,500            11,500            11,000  2. On-Line Council File System.............................................................................            11,500
                        7,490            69,915            10,000  3. Photocopier rental.............................................................................................            69,915
          $           60,417  $           92,915  $           56,000         Council and Public Services Total  $           92,915

                                                  Records Management - FI1405
          $             3,633  $             4,541  $             2,000  4. Photocopier rental.............................................................................................  $             4,541
                           199              1,700                     -    5. Storage of City records......................................................................................              1,700
                        4,577              1,400              1,000  6. Warehouse equipment maintenance.................................................................              1,400

          $             8,409  $             7,641  $             3,000          Records Management Total  $             7,641
                                                  Special Assessments - FI1406
          $             2,038  $             1,600  $             3,000  7. Microfilm reader maintenance...........................................................................  $             1,600
                                 -                 600                     -    8. Microfilm subscription for Department of Building and Safety records..............                 600
                        1,703                 988              2,000  9. Photocopier rental.............................................................................................                 988
          $             3,741  $             3,188  $             5,000           Special Assessments Total  $             3,188
                                                  Mayor and City Council Administrative Support - FB1407

          $             5,716  $             3,265  $             6,000  10. Photocopier rental.............................................................................................  $             3,265
          $             5,716  $             3,265  $             6,000  Mayor and City Council Administrative Support Total  $             3,265
                                                  Technology Support - FF1449
          $           60,558  $           90,000  $           65,000  11. Annual licensing of video, audio and translation on-demand services..............  $           93,080
                                 -                       -                     -    12. Legislative Management System (LMS)............................................................          162,000
          $           60,558  $           90,000  $           65,000              Technology Support Total  $         255,080

          $         138,841  $         197,009  $         135,000   TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT  $         362,089

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