Page 288 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 288

Ethics Commission

                                                   Governmental Ethics
                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
           Deletion of One-Time Services

             6. Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities                   (43,860)         -       (71,066)
                Delete funding for one resolution authority position. Resolution
                authorities are reviewed annually and continued only if
                sufficient funding is available to maintain the current service
                level.  Related costs consist of employee benefits.

                One position is continued as a regular position:
                Audit Program Support (One position)
                SG: ($43,860)
                Related Costs: ($27,206)
             7. Deletion of One-Time Salary Funding                              (55,063)         -       (72,221)
                Delete one-time Salaries, General funding. Related costs
                consist of employee benefits.
                SG: ($55,063)
                Related Costs: ($17,158)

             8. Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding                             (25,000)         -       (25,000)
                Delete one-time Salaries, As-Needed funding.
                SAN: ($25,000)
           Continuation of Services

             9. Audit Program Support                                             62,383          1        95,411
                Continue funding and add regular authority for one Auditor I to
                perform mandatory audits required after each election cycle.
                Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $62,383
                Related Costs: $33,028
           New Services
            10. Systems and Database Support                                      73,966          -       107,060
                Add funding and resolution authority for one Programmer/
                Analyst III to help maintain the Commission's existing three
                online proprietary filing systems and develop and maintain a
                fourth system as required by the new developer contribution
                ordinance. Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $73,966
                Related Costs: $33,094

           Reduced Services
            11. Furlough Program                                                (344,137)         -     (344,137)
                Reduce funding to reflect 26 fewer working days consistent
                with the furlough program for civilian employees. Select
                departments and position classifications are exempt from the
                furlough program.
                SG: ($344,137)

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