Page 45 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 45

                                   DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT
          2018-19       2019-20      2019-20                                                            2020-21
           Actual      Adopted      Estimated                   Program/Code/Description                Contract
        Expenditures    Budget     Expenditures                                                         Amount
                                                 Animal Control and Law Enforcement - AA0601
       $          88,970  $          83,520  $          84,000  1. Software and Internet charges (Squadroom call support)...........................  $          83,520
                           -               1,520             2,000  2. Phone service charges (including cellphones)............................................             1,520
       $          88,970  $          85,040  $          86,000     Animal Control and Law Enforcement Total  $          85,040
                                                 Shelter Operations and Animal Care - AA0602
       $                    -  $        103,000  $        103,000  3. Data management system access fees......................................................  $        103,000
                  58,991         104,000         104,000  4. Data management system data plans........................................................                      -
                  25,795           40,000           31,000  5. Uniform cleaning service............................................................................           40,000
                             -           10,000           10,000  6. Medical waste disposal service..................................................................                     -
                    7,325           11,500           12,000  7. Equipment repairs (laundry, X-ray machines, etc.).....................................           11,500
       $          92,111  $        268,500  $        260,000         Shelter Operations and Animal Care Total  $        154,500

                                                 Animal Medical Services - AA0607
       $          24,805  $            5,000  $            5,000  8. Medical testing and equipment and lab services........................................  $            5,000
       $          24,805  $            5,000  $            5,000             Animal Medical Services Total  $            5,000

                                                 Public Counters and Community Services - AA0609
       $          18,175  $          26,000  $          19,000  9. Photocopier rental......................................................................................  $          26,000
       $          18,175  $          26,000  $          19,000  Public Counters and Community Services Total  $          26,000

                                                 General Administration and Support - AA0650
       $            8,324  $            6,500  $            9,000  10. Photocopier and document center rental....................................................  $            6,500
                             -                      -                    -    11. Online transaction fees...............................................................................           40,500
                  46,772           30,000           36,000  12. Phone service charges (including cellphones)............................................           30,000
                    1,459             1,848             2,000  13. General miscellaneous administration........................................................             1,848
                           -             10,000           10,000  14. Server maintenance...................................................................................           10,000

       $          56,555  $          48,348  $          57,000      General Administration and Support Total  $          88,848
       $        280,616  $        432,888  $        427,000       TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT  $        359,388

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