Page 54 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 54

Building and Safety

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
           Efficiencies to Services
            11. Hiring Freeze Policy                                           (630,194)         -      (829,460)
                Reduce funding in the Salaries General Account, as a one-
                time budget reduction, to reflect savings generated by
                maintaining vacancies consistent with the hiring freeze policy.
                Partial funding is provided by the Repair and Demolition Fund
                ($23,590) and the Off-Site Periodic Inspection Fee Fund
                ($36,544). Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: ($630,194)
                Related Costs: ($199,266)
            12. Expense Account Reductions                                     (165,428)         -      (165,428)
                Reduce funding in the Printing and Binding ($30,000),
                Contractual Services ($50,000), Transportation ($65,428),
                and Operating Supplies ($20,000) accounts, as a one-time
                budget reduction, to reflect anticipated expenditures, which
                include savings achieved due to Departmental efficiencies
                and expenditure reductions.
                EX: ($165,428)
            13. One-Time Salary Reduction                                      (485,572)         -      (634,254)
                Reduce funding in the Salaries General Account, as a one-
                time budget reduction, to reflect savings generated by
                positions filled in-lieu, maintaining vacancies, and anticipated
                attrition. Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: ($485,572)
                Related Costs: ($148,682)

           Other Changes or Adjustments
            14. Elimination of Classification Pay Grade                                -         -             -
                Amend employment authority for all positions in the Payroll
                Supervisor classification. All Payroll Supervisor I and Payroll
                Supervisor II positions are transitioned to Payroll Supervisor.
                This action is in accordance with the elimination of pay grades
                for this classification. There is no net change to the overall
                number of positions within the Department.
           TOTAL CHANGES APPLICABLE TO VARIOUS PROGRAMS                      (13,705,173)          -

   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59