Page 75 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 75

Building and Safety

                                             Development Services Systems
           Priority Outcome: Promote good jobs for Angelenos all across Los Angeles
           This program serves as the central point for the development, implementation and maintenance of the BuildLA
           Project.  BuildLA is a series of interconnected systems that will collectively deliver development services
           citywide through a single Development Services online portal.

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special

             Apportionment of Changes Applicable to Various Programs               22,903          -       32,221
             Related costs consist of employee benefits.
             SG: $22,903
             Related Costs: $9,318
           TOTAL Development Services Systems                                     22,903           -

          D     2019-20 Program Budget                                           375,391           3
                 Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special             22,903           -
                2020-21 PROGRAM BUDGET                                           398,294           3

   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80