Page 515 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 515
Homeless Budget
City departments complement the work of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) to help design, implement, and
coordinate the efficient provision of services to individuals and families in the City to ultimately end homelessness.
2019-20 Adopted 2020-21 Proposed
Budget Budget
● Older Workers Employment Program – Funding is provided for part-time, work- 608,631 728,017
based training opportunities at local community service agencies for older
unemployed individuals who have poor employment prospects and for
departmental staff to support this program. Full year funding is provided for four
positions consisting of two Administrative Clerks, one Social Worker I, and one
Management Analyst to support this program.
Animal Services
● Homeless Services Support/Pet Resource Centers – Funding is included in 58,897 64,444
the base budget for one Animal Control Officer to provide departmental liaison
services to the homeless community.
City Administrative Officer
● Citywide Homeless Initiative – Funding is provided for one Chief Administrative 313,744 438,102
Analyst, one Senior Administrative Analyst I, and one Administrative Analyst to
address and manage homelessness issues as directed in the Comprehensive
Homeless Strategy (C.F. 15-1138-S1). The proposed increase reflects full year
funding for the positions.
● Proposition HHH Facilities Bond Program – Funding is provided for one 93,190 101,660
Administrative Analyst II for the Proposition HHH Program.
City Attorney
● Proposition HHH Legal Support – Funding is provided for three positions 295,347 350,537
consisting of two Deputy City Attorney IIs and one Paralegal I to provide legal
support for the Proposition HHH Program.
City Planning
● Housing Unit – The unit provides case management services for entitlement 559,982 897,821
cases with housing development activities. Funding is included in the base
budget for nine positions to provide expertise in housing development and
coordinate with other City agencies to help resolve issues related to affordable
housing/permanent supportive housing development throughout the project
entitlement and permitting process. The total amount is comprised of General
Fund ($481,710) and special funds ($416,111). The proposed increase reflects
full year funding.
● HIV and Homelessness Pilot Program – Funding is continued on an one-time 200,000 200,000
basis in the Contractual Services Account for the HIV and Homelessness Pilot
Program and other HIV prevention services.
● Syringe Exchange – Funding is included in the base budget and is continued to 30,000 30,000
provide syringe exchange to homeless individuals with HIV/AIDS.
● Unified Homeless Response Center Staff Enhancement – Funding is provided 44,805 72,515
for one Community Program Assistant II to act as a liaison between the
Department and the Mayor's Unified Homeless Response Center, and the City's
Comprehensive Homeless Strategy stakeholders. Nine-months funding was
provided in 2019-20 for one Community Program Assistant. The increased
funding reflects full year funding and upgrading the position to one Community
Program Assistant II.