Page 12 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 12



             CITYWIDE ECONOMIC &                                YOUTH DEVELOPMENT
                                                                Funding  is  provided  to  continue  the  City’s
             Funding  is  provided  to  continue  the  City's   efforts  to  focus  on  youth  job  placement  and
             commitment  to  foster  and  guide  economic       transition  services  such  as  the  YouthSource
             development  and  job  opportunities  for  all     Centers,    HireLA,   and     Cash-for-College.

             Angelenos. Continued services include staffing     Funding is also provided to continue the Fire
             support  for  BusinessSource  and  WorkSource      Department’s  Youth  Development  Programs,
             Centers.  Additional  ongoing  investments         which  are  designed  to  educate  young
             include the Day Laborer Program and the LA:        Angelenos  about  career  opportunities  in  the

             RISE initiative.                                   Fire Department.

              FY 2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET                                                                10
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