Page 230 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 230

                                                                   MUNICIPAL FACILITIES

         The Municipal Facilities Capital Improvement Expenditure Program includes such public facilities as parks, recreation centers, libraries, animal shelters, cultural
         facilities, off-street parking lots and major maintenance projects to improve City facilities. Facilities required to support municipal operations, such as police and
         fire stations, landfills, shops, communications installations and other miscellaneous facilities owned or operated by the City are also included.

                                                              2020-21 PROJECT APPROPRIATIONS

                                                                                               Park &     Arts and Cultural
                                                                                             Recreational   Facilities and
                                                                               General         Sites &        Services
         MUNICIPAL FACILITIES PROJECTS                                          Fund       Facilities Fund *  Trust Fund       MICLA          TOTAL

         Deferred Maintenance
           Building Equipment Lifecycle Replacement                         $                         --  $                         --  $                         --  $           2,500,000  $           2,500,000
           Citywide Building Hazard Mitigation                                              500,000                             --                             --                             --                  500,000
           Citywide Elevator Repairs                                                        400,000                             --                             --                             --                  400,000
           Citywide Infrastructure Improvements                                                        --                             --                             --               1,000,000               1,000,000
           Citywide Maintenance and Improvements                                            650,000                             --                             --                             --                  650,000
           Citywide Nuisance Abatement                                                      420,000                             --                             --                             --                  420,000
           Citywide Roof Repairs                                                            500,000                             --                             --                             --                  500,000
           Contaminated Soil Removal/Mitigation                                             500,000                             --                             --                             --                  500,000
           Community Redevelopment Agency Future Development Property Maintenance                  120,000                             --                             --                             --                  120,000
           Fire Life Safety Building Systems (Regulation 4)                              1,100,000                             --                             --                             --               1,100,000
           Overhead Doors, Automatic Gates, and Awnings                                     300,000                             --                             --                             --                  300,000
         Office Development and Capital Program
           Capital Program - Public Works Building                                          500,000                             --                             --                             --                  500,000
           Capital Program - Van Nuys Civic Center (formerly Marvin Braude Building)                             --                             --                             --                  225,000                  225,000
           Civic Center Parking Structural Repairs                                                     --                             --                             --                  440,000                  440,000
           Space Optimization Tenant Work                                                              --                             --                             --                  750,000                  750,000
         Public Safety Facilities and Security Upgrades
           Fire Station 4 - Facade Improvements                                                        --                             --                             --                  785,000                  785,000
           Fire Station Extractor Installations                                                        --                             --                             --                  250,000                  250,000
           Operations Valley Bureau Facility Package                                                   --                             --                             --               2,250,000               2,250,000
           Public Safety Facilities - Animal Services                                                  --                             --                             --                  400,000                  400,000
           Public Safety Facilities - Fire                                                  250,000                             --                             --                  480,000                  730,000
           Public Safety Facilities - Police                                                  75,000                             --                             --                  655,000                  730,000
           Public Safety Facilities - Police Administration Building                                   --                             --                             --                  280,000                  280,000
         Recreation and Cultural Facilities
           Alpine Recreation Center Expansion                                                          --                             --                             --                  686,034                  686,034
           Barnsdall Art Park                                                                          --                             --                             --                  500,000                  500,000
           Capital Program - Cultural Affairs                                                          --                             --                  400,697                             --                  400,697
           Capital Program - El Pueblo                                                                 --                             --                             --                  200,000                  200,000
           Capital Program - Zoo                                                                       --                             --                             --                  250,000                  250,000
           Rancho Cienega Sports Complex                                                               --                             --                             --               9,250,000               9,250,000
           Various Recreation Parks Facilities                                                         --               2,470,000                             --                             --               2,470,000
           Zoo Vision Plan (Phase I)                                                                   --                             --                             --               3,500,000               3,500,000
         Seismic and Bridge Improvement/Yards and Shops
           Asphalt Plant I (Phase II) 25th and Harriet Site Improvements                               --                             --                             --               1,000,000               1,000,000
           Capital Program - Bureau of Street Services                                                 --                             --                             --                  500,000                  500,000
           New 7th Street Body Shop (Phase II)                                                         --                             --                             --               2,800,000               2,800,000
           Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project - Supplemental Construction Funding               2,200,000                             --                             --             55,800,000             58,000,000
           One Percent for the Arts                                                          251,430                             --                             --                             --                  251,430
         Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC)
           LACC Escalator Replacement                                                                  --                             --                             --               1,650,000               1,650,000
           LACC Security Surveillance System                                                           --                             --                             --               1,128,000               1,128,000
           LACC West Hall Airwall Replacement                                                          --                             --                             --               1,024,000               1,024,000
         TOTAL MUNICIPAL FACILITIES PROJECTS                                $           7,766,430  $           2,470,000  $              400,697  $         88,303,034  $         98,940,161

         *  Allocations to specific projects will be provided by the City Administrative Officer in accordance with Council policy or direction.
         The City Administrative Officer is further authorized to approve all necessary appropriation documents to implement the allocations for specific projects.
         NOTE: The City Administrative Officer may approve transfers of $25,000 or 25% of project amounts (whichever is greater), not to exceed $100,000 to or between eligible capital improvement projects or accounts within the same
         fund approved by Council.

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