Page 366 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 366

          SCHEDULE 52
                                           MEASURE M LOCAL RETURN FUND
               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2018-19         2019-20                                                                 2020-21
                   579,147        1,890,000  10,768.63  Speed Hump Program                                1,900,000
                   579,446               -  10,769.25  Street Lighting at Existing Pedestrian Crosswalks         -
                   202,926               -  10,769.5  Street Reconstruction/Vision Zero Projects                 -
                   337,359               -  10,769.75  Sunset Blvd Slope Mitigation - Coronado to Waterloo, Phase 1  -
                        -           400,000  10,778.75  Traffic Studies                                    400,000
                    28,075               -  10,778.88  Traffic Surveys                                     100,000
                        -         1,500,000  10,793.5  Transportation Technology Strategy                  625,000
                        -         1,000,000  10,795.5  Unimproved Median Island Maintenance                      -
                   110,605          500,000  10,796.63  Venice Boulevard Great Streets Enhancements              -
                 1,860,395        7,567,000  10,796.91  Vision Zero Corridor Projects - M                 3,065,487
                   153,603        1,000,000  10,796.92  Vision Zero Education and Outreach                1,000,000
                        -                -  10,796.92  Vision Zero Traffic Signals                        3,241,674
                 2,825,961        17,944,000  10,802  Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                23,345,179
                36,791,781        76,407,000  Total Appropriations                                       70,881,488

                61,741,266        46,472,266  Ending Balance, June 30                                           -

          Funding from the Complete Streets account is designated for projects that began in 2017-18.  2020-21 appropriations for Alley
          Paving ($3,000,000),  Concrete Streets ($1,000,000), Open Streets Program ($500,000), Traffic Studies ($400,000), Transportation
          Technology Strategy ($625,000), Vision Zero Education and Outreach ($1,000,000), and Vision Zero Traffic Signals ($3,241,675)
          are not authorized until January 1, 2021.  In addition, the Street Lighting at Existing Pedestrian Crosswalks ($500,000) and the
          North Atwater Multimodal Bridge ($693,314) projects within the 2020-21 Capital Improvement Expenditure Program - Physical Plant
          appropriation and $1,000,000 of the 2020-21 Speed Hump Program appropriation are not authorized until January 1, 2021.

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