Page 515 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 515


             Substitute Position Authority:  A position not funded in the budget. Positions are temporary, usually a year or less,
                and must be funded through departmental savings.

             Surety Bond:  An insurance policy obtained by the City to ensure that City bondholders are repaid. The surety
                replaces existing reserve funds on several outstanding Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles
                (MICLA) and Convention Center issuances.

             Table of Common Acronyms:  Various budget books and documents include common acronyms to provide the
                reader with account information. Each salary account line item has a separate acronym. Expense, equipment,
                and special account line items have general acronyms.

                 Acronym        Account Name
                 EQ             Equipment
                 EX             Expense
                 SAN            Salaries, As Needed
                 SCP            Salaries, Construction Projects
                 SG             Salaries, General
                 SGR            Salaries, Grant Reimbursed
                 SHH            Salaries, Hiring Hall
                 SHHCP          Salaries, Hiring Hall Construction Projects
                 SHHFB          Hiring Hall Fringe Benefits
                 SHHFBCP        Hiring Hall Fringe Benefits Construction Projects
                 SHHOT          Salaries, Hiring Hall Overtime
                 SHHOTCP        Salaries, Hiring Hall Overtime Construction Projects
                 SOFFCS         Overtime Firefighter Constant Staffing
                 SOPOA          Salaries, Police Accumulated Overtime
                 SOT            Salaries, Overtime
                 SOTCP          Salaries, Overtime Construction Projects
                 SOVS           Overtime Variable Staffing
                 SP             Special
                 SPOSK          Unused Sick Time
                 SPROP          Salaries Proprietary
                 SW             Sworn Salaries
                 SWB            Sworn Bonuses
                 SWOT           Overtime--Sworn

             Taxes:  Compulsory charges levied by a government to finance services performed for the common benefit of
                people. This term does not include specific charges made against particular individuals or property for current or
                permanent benefit, such as special assessments.

             Unappropriated Balance:  A budgetary reserve to meet contingencies and emergencies as they may arise during
                the fiscal year.

             Unrestricted Revenues: Revenues that the City can use for any general expenditure. All unrestricted revenues
                accrue to the General Fund. Certain General Fund receipts resulting from fees imposed on various city services,
                however, are “restricted” in the sense that the funds collected are used to offset the cost of the service provided.

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