Page 202 - FY 2020-21 Revenue Outlook
P. 202

                                             PW Bureau of Engineering
                                                       (Thousand Dollars)
                MONTHLY         2016-17  2017-18  2018-19                  2019-20                  2020-21
                               ACTUAL   ACTUAL    ACTUAL   BUDGET    ACTUAL   VARIANCE   REVISED   PROPOSED

                JULY               1,992       2,962       2,667   2,774      2,046  (727)  2,046        3,869
                AUGUST             2,763       4,969       3,022   4,010      2,298     (1,712)  2,298       3,871
                SEPTEMBER          2,469       4,661       3,825   3,774      2,774     (1,000)  2,774       3,871
                OCTOBER            4,705       3,777       4,446   4,051      3,743  (308)  3,743        3,871
                NOVEMBER           2,419       3,088       3,606   3,227      3,231             3       3,231       3,871
                DECEMBER           2,634       3,510       3,205   4,485      3,698  (788)  3,698        3,871
                JANUARY            4,326       4,328       1,268   4,883      3,165     (1,718)       3,165       3,871
                FEBRUARY           2,557       2,874       4,966   3,236      4,494      1,258       4,494       3,871
                MARCH              2,991       3,025       3,178   3,920      2,810     (1,109)       2,810       3,871
                APRIL              4,009       4,346       4,565   4,328                       3,665       3,871
                MAY                3,633       3,220       3,000   4,177                       2,702       3,871
                JUNE               8,656       7,545       8,748   9,540                     16,591   21,969
                TOTAL        $     43,154  $     48,305  $     46,496  $     52,406     $     51,218  $     64,545
                % Change          -8.3     11.9      -3.7      12.7                          10.2      26.0

                               2016-17   2017-18   2018-19                 2019-20                  2020-21
                               ACTUAL    ACTUAL   ACTUAL    BUDGET   ACTUAL    VARIANCE   REVISED  PROPOSED

                JULY        $       1,992 $       2,962 $       2,667 $     2,774  $   2,046 $    (727)  $       2,046  $       3,869
                AUGUST             4,755       7,931       5,689     6,784   4,345      (2,439)       4,345       7,739
                SEPTEMBER          7,224     12,593       9,514     10,558   7,119      (3,440)       7,119   11,610
                OCTOBER          11,929     16,370   13,960     14,610     10,862      (3,748)     10,862   15,481
                NOVEMBER         14,349     19,458   17,566     17,837     14,093      (3,744)     14,093   19,352
                DECEMBER         16,982     22,968   20,771     22,322     17,790      (4,532)     17,790   23,222
                JANUARY          21,308     27,296   22,039     27,205     20,956      (6,250)     20,956   27,093
                FEBRUARY         23,865     30,170   27,005     30,442     25,450      (4,992)     25,450   30,964
                MARCH            26,857     33,195   30,183     34,362     28,260      (6,102)     28,260   34,835
                APRIL            30,865     37,540   34,748     38,690                       31,925   38,705
                MAY              34,499     40,760   37,748     42,866                       34,627   42,576
                JUNE             43,154     48,305   46,496     52,406                       51,218   64,545
                Engineering revenues are comprised of street and curb permits, zoning and subdivision fees, other engineering
                fees and overhead reimbursements from special funds.  Overhead reimbursements are a function of CAP rates
                and filling of vacant positions. Special fund overhead reimbursements are the main driver in the 2020-21 revenue

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