Page 243 - FY 2021-22 Blue Book Volume 1
P. 243

Economic and Workforce Development

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
           Deletion of One-Time Services
                Related Costs: ($2,784,140)
             6. Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding                         (5,705,465)         -    (5,705,465)
                Delete one-time Salaries, As-Needed, Overtime General, and
                expense funding.
                SAN: ($60,000)  SOT: ($17,815)   EX: ($5,627,650)
           Efficiencies to Services

             7. Executive and Administrative                                   (183,322)        (1)     (259,265)
                Delete funding and authority for one vacant Assistant General
                Manager of Economic and Workforce Development. Partial
                funding is provided by the Workforce Innovation and
                Opportunity Act Fund ($119,159), Community Development
                Trust Fund ($18,332), LA County Youth Job Program Fund
                ($5,500), and CRA Non-Housing Bond Proceeds Fund
                ($5,500). Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: ($183,322)
                Related Costs: ($75,943)
           Other Changes or Adjustments
             8. Funding Realignment                                                    -         -             -
                Transfer funding in the amount of $9,838 from the LA
                Performance Partnership Pilot Fund to the Workforce
                Innovation and Opportunity Act Fund to reflect anticipated
                expenditures. There will be no net change to overall funding
                provided to the Department.
             9. Position Realignment                                                   -         -             -
                Transfer positions and funding between budgetary programs
                to reflect the Department's current organizational structure.
                There will be no change to the level of services provided nor
                to the overall funding provided to the Department.
            10. Salary Savings Rate Adjustment                                 (434,527)         -      (581,197)
                Increase the Department's salary savings rate by three
                percent from zero percent to three percent. Partial funding is
                provided by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
                Fund ($283,382), Community Development Trust Fund
                ($48,529), CRA Non-Housing Bond Proceeds Fund
                ($12,762), LA County Youth Job Program Fund ($11,218),
                and Economic Development Trust Fund ($2,187). Related
                costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: ($434,527)
                Related Costs: ($146,670)

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