Page 495 - FY 2021-22 Blue Book Volume 2
P. 495


            The  2021-22  Proposed  Budget provides  street  improvement  resources through  the Pavement Preservation
            Program, the Failed Streets Reconstruction Program, the Complete Streets Program, and the Bicycle Lane Repair
            and Maintenance Program. These programs help maintain and improve 6,500 centerline miles (23,000 lane miles)
            of streets throughout the City and are described in the following pages. The 2021-22 Proposed Budget for these
            street improvement programs is summarized as follows:

                                          2021-22 Street Improvement Program Summary

                                 Program                                 Proposed Funding
                                 Pavement Preservation                   $            142,875,640

                                 Failed Streets Reconstruction           $              26,478,390
                                 Complete Streets                        $                9,389,585
                                 Bicycle Lane Repair and Maintenance     $                4,149,717
                                                                   Total $             182,893,332


            The Pavement Preservation Program includes activities required to properly maintain the City street system and
            keep the system from deteriorating. The Program is led by the Bureau of Street Services with support provided by
            the Department of Transportation, Bureau of Engineering, and Department of General Services.

            The 2021-22 Proposed Budget for the Pavement Preservation Program is summarized as follows:

                                                       2021-22 Pavement Preservation
                                                Public Works
                 Funding by Source      Street Services  Engineering  Transportation     GSD           Total
                          Special Gas Tax $       37,571,064 $            367,842 $         2,603,200 $         1,922,878 $       42,464,984
                            Proposition A               432,987                         -                         -                         -               432,987
                            Proposition C                         -                         -            6,661,204               469,804            7,131,008
              Street Damage Restoration Fee          30,320,521               374,139                         -            7,274,422          37,969,082
             Stormwater Pollution Abatement               255,943                         -                         -                         -               255,943
                              Measure R          17,093,440                         -            3,670,537            1,430,122          22,194,099
                              Measure M            3,363,618                         -            1,571,186                         -            4,934,804
                            General Fund          15,795,481            1,271,427          10,168,422               257,403          27,492,733
                                   Total $      104,833,054 $         2,013,408 $       24,674,549 $       11,354,629 $      142,875,640

            Pavement preservation activity consists of the following:

               •   Resurfacing: Crews remove a layer of the asphalt surface and then repave with new asphalt that may
                   include up to 50 percent recycled content.

               •   Slurry sealing: Crews apply liquid asphalt made with recycled waste tires to the riding surface of residential
                   streets.  This thin coat of rubberized material prevents water intrusion and can extend the service life of the
                   existing pavement by up to seven years. Slurry seal can be applied at intervals of three to seven years
                   during the life of the road surface.

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