Page 351 - FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget
P. 351

          SCHEDULE 44
                                             ZOO ENTERPRISE TRUST FUND
          The Los Angeles Administrative Code establishes the Zoo Enterprise Trust Fund for the purpose of receiving all revenues derived
          from the operation of the Los Angeles Zoo or activities at the Zoo. Additionally, all appropriations to finance any of the operations of
          the Zoo shall also be placed in the Fund.  Such funds shall be used for the operation, maintenance, management, control and
          improvement of the Los Angeles Zoo and shall be paid solely from the Trust Fund.
               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2019-20         2020-21                                                                 2021-22
                 9,999,673        2,244,830  Cash Balance, July 1                                          509,830
                        -                -  PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations            410,000
                 9,999,673        2,244,830  Balance Available, July 1                                      99,830
                 9,773,340        3,933,000  11,724 Admission Fees                                       11,100,000
                 1,748,556          285,000  11,734 Concessions                                            700,000
                 1,096,740        19,782,000  11,759 General Fund                                               -
                   440,535          165,000  11,760 Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association Reimbursement      295,674
                    20,000           20,000  11,762 Household Hazardous Waste Special Fund (Schedule 39)    20,000
                 1,385,093          300,000  11,775 Membership Fees                                        970,000
                 1,517,677               -  11,783.5 Night Time Ticketed Events                                 -
                    3,086                -  11,813 Sale of Salvage Property                                     -
                        -                -  11,827.25 Uncertain Revenues                                 10,410,271
                 1,929,562               -  11,840 Other Receipts                                          983,500
                   150,577           30,000  11,842 Interest                                                50,000
                28,064,839        26,759,830  Total Revenue                                              24,629,275

          EXPENDITURES                                                APPROPRIATIONS
                    15,000               -  87 City Administrative Officer                                       -
                    21,096               -  195 Controller                                                       -
                    43,803               -  383 General Services                                                 -
                    17,046            6,000  455 Information Technology Agency                                   -
                23,704,295        24,100,000  761 Zoo                                                    24,494,275
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                    9,793            80,000  10,555  Animal Purchases and Sales                                  -
                        -         1,513,000  10,556.5  Capital Improvement Exp Prog                              -
                 1,364,057               -  10,560  GLAZA Marketing Refund                                       -
                   378,000               -  10,565.5  Zoo Perimeter Road Repairs                                 -
                    43,714          116,000  10,566  Zoo Programs and Operations                                 -
                    2,850            70,000  10,566.5  Zoo Repairs and Improvement                               -
                   220,355          365,000  10,567  Zoo Wastewater Facility                               135,000

                25,820,009        26,250,000  Total Appropriations                                       24,629,275
                 2,244,830          509,830  Ending Balance, June 30                                            -

          Uncertain Revenue assumes that the Zoo is able to resume operations and achieve attendance levels similar to those prior to the
          City's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding is set aside in the Unappropriated Balance to ensure the administration and
          maintenance of the Zoo if this revenue is not achieved.

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