Page 360 - FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget
P. 360
Public Utilities Code Section 130350 provides that the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Commission (Metro) may
adopt a sales tax within the County, provided that it is approved by a majority of the electors. In 2016, the voters in Los Angeles
County approved an increase of one-half of one percent (.5%) to the Sales Tax within Los Angeles County (County). The Sales Tax
will increase to one percent (1%) on July 1, 2039, when the Measure R tax of one-half of one percent (.5%) tax imposed by Metro by
Ordinance number 08-01 expires. Sales Tax revenue shall be used to meet the goals of improving freeway traffic flow; accelerating
rail construction and building rail lines; enhancing local regional and express bus service, bike and pedestrian connections; improving
transportation system connectivity, streets and intersections; addressing transit and highway safety; providing more accessibility,
convenience, and affordability of transportation for seniors, students and the disabled; and incorporating modern technology in the
transportation system.
Actual Estimated Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
61,720,672 65,699,259 Cash Balance, July 1 66,576,340
- - PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations 54,978,719
61,720,672 65,699,259 Balance Available, July 1 11,597,621
- 183,000 11,737 County Grants -
- - 11,759 General Fund 5,000,000
54,632,577 53,904,000 11,773.5 Measure M Local Return 57,104,818
- 1,728,000 11,840 Other Receipts -
1,582,965 924,000 11,842 Interest 800,000
117,936,214 122,438,259 Total Revenue 74,502,439
217,934 137,000 383 General Services 163,540
30,000 - 485 Mayor -
62,021 82,000 513 Personnel 91,201
84,000 - 575 Board of Public Works -
427,199 1,118,000 595 Bureau of Contract Administration 1,306,626
1,153,455 1,396,000 607 Bureau of Engineering 1,406,963
700,906 1,036,000 653 Bureau of Street Lighting 890,952
17,231,557 12,749,000 667 Bureau of Street Services 9,559,747
6,975,249 8,150,000 691 Transportation 8,553,515
Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
1,816,416 2,841,000 861 CTIEP - Physical Plant 1,485,000
- - 10,591.88 Alley Paving 2,000,000
840,736 - 10,625.5 BSS Equipment -
- - 10,654.5 Complete Streets 2,400,000
- - 10,655.5 Concrete Streets 1,000,000
857,076 - 10,661.38 DOT Equipment - SR/VZ Projects -
123,067 - 10,661.44 DOT Equipment - Traffic Signals -
- - 10,708 Median Island Maintenance 1,000,000
120,021 - 10,718.28 Open Streets Program 500,000
534,232 1,171,000 10,719 Paint and Sign Maintenance 1,571,186
- - 10,734.5 People Streets and Play Streets 1,000,000
1,353,561 673,000 10,768.63 Speed Hump Program 2,000,000
800,000 - 10,769.13 Stormwater Pollution Abatement Fund -
106,449 - 10,769.25 Street Lighting at Existing Pedestrian Crosswalks -
2,133,823 - 10,769.5 Street Reconstruction/Vision Zero Projects -