Page 218 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 218

                                          COMPARISON OF MICLA FUNDING

                                                      2017-18       2018-19       2019-20       2020-21       2021-22
      Real Property (cont.):
        Nate Holden Performing Arts Center                    -             -        413,375           -              -
        New 7th Street Body Shop (Phase II)  1                -             -             -       2,800,000       2,400,000
        North Hollywood Park                                  -             -       1,000,000          -              -
        North Marianna Design                                 -             -             -            -          3,000,000
        North Valley (Sunland Tujunga) City Hall Renovations   -       2,500,000    2,350,000          -              -
        Old Arlington (Washington Irving) Library             -             -             -            -           940,000

        Operations Valley Bureau Facility Package             -             -             -       2,250,000     1,179,000
        Pio Pico Library Pocket Park                          -             -       2,000,000          -              -
        Public Safety Facilities & Police Administration Building   -  2,000,000          -             -             -
        Public Safety Facilities - Animal Services Department  -            -        400,000       400,000         250,000

        Public Safety Facilities - Capital Improvements  2,000,000          -             -             -             -
        Public Safety Facilities - Fire Department            -             -        480,000       480,000         480,000
        Public Safety Facilities - Police Department          -             -        760,000       655,000         655,000
        Public Safety Facilities - Police Administration Building  400,000  -        280,000       280,000         280,000

        Rancho Cienega Sports Complex                         -             -       3,250,000     9,250,000           -
        Reseda Roller Skating Rink & Ice Skating Facility     -             -             -             -         1,000,000

        Sepulveda Recreation Center Improvements              -             -             -             -       4,000,000
        Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project              -       10,000,000    11,000,000   55,800,000     36,700,000

        Sixth Street Viaduct – Park, Arts, River, and Connectivity Improvements   -  -    -            -          1,000,000
        Slauson Connect Incubator and Cultural Center         -             -             -            -         800,000

        Solar Energy Installation Municipal Facilities        -       10,000,000          -            -        3,000,000
        Southeast (Main Street) Yard Fire Damaged Buildings   -             -             -            -         300,000

        Demolition and Reconstruction

        Space Optimization Tenant Work                   2,000,000     2,000,000    2,250,000      750,000        2,000,000
        Studio City Recreation Center - New Gymnasium         -             -             -            -          7,000,000
        Sylmar Senior Center                                  -             -             -            -          1,500,000
        Venice Pier Improvements                              -        5,000,000          -            -              -
        Verdugo Hills Pool and Bathhouse                      -             -             -            -           518,000
        Vision Theater Phase II, III and IV (Manchester Jr. Arts)  -   6,000,000    1,140,684          -              -
        Warner Grand Theater                               1,500,000   5,000,000          -             -         10,000,000
        West Valley Municipal Facility Project                -             -        427,500            -             -
        Zoo Vision Plan (Phase I)                             -             -             -       3,500,000           -

        77th Street Regional Jail Section Sprinkler Replacement  -          -             -             -        545,622
                                           Subtotal  $               31,419,710  $              96,731,710  $              68,730,276  $              88,303,034  $              106,756,082
                                            TOTAL  $             118,632,363  $            202,867,866  $            155,315,385  $            148,286,113  $              228,157,000

      1. Proposed 2021-22 funding includes the restoration of deferred projects that were previously authorized by the Mayor and Council for MICLA financing. As part of the 2020-21 Second Financial Status Report, the
      Mayor and Council approved the deferral of these projects in order to create capacity for deficit borrowing as a debt option to close the budget gaps created by the COVID-19 pandemic (C.F. 20-0600-S84). In the 2020-
      21 Third FSR (C.F. 20-0600-S90), however, the Mayor and Council approved a plan that did not require deficit borrowing to balance the budget. Thus, the 2021-22 Proposed Budget restores several of the deferred

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