Page 54 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
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annually. The  January  is  fee  application  variable  Protected  the  tree  protected  the  for  workload  work  permit  BSS,  for  occupy  fully  fee  original  mid-  in  effective

                          revised  be  adjustment  fee  flat  a  fees,  reflects  that  fee  updated  last  of  number  the  the will fully cover  Budget  Proposed  to  likely  not  DCP  the  that  become
                      Explanation of the Fee Change  should  fees  transport  next  the  of  date 2022. About $700k in revenue is expected in 2021-22.  two  includes  inspection  an  City  The  permit.  the  Recently,  1998.  increasing  6,  to  4  from  revenue  The  2021-22  the  to  is  work  permit  of  assumes  Budget  and  mid-August  in

                          ambulance  implementation  Ordinance  Tree  and  costs,  static  each  under  in  Fee  increased  Services.  Street  added  positions  volume  projected  Proposed  adopted  be

                          Emergency  anticipated  Protected  The  reflect  to  workloads  Ordinance  Tree  was  species  Bureau of  new  two  of  the  but  their time.  2021-22  The  will  proposal  October.

                    Estimated   Impact of Fee   Increase   700,000.00  $          284,000.00  $          6,852,962.00  $

            2021-22 PROPOSED BUDGET DETAIL OF PROPOSED FEE   ADJUSTMENTS   Adjusted Fee Amount   Current Fee Amount    TBD   $2,463 per ALS transport $1,747 per BLS transport  $20 per mile for one-way transport    $3,698.47 for 1 to 2 trees;   $1,084 for 5 Trees or less;  $5,945.15 for 3 to 5 trees; $1,084 for each additional 5 trees  $6,788.67 for 6 to 10 trees;  $1,070.76 for each additional five trees   above 10    Various    Various   32

                      Fee Name  Emergency Medical   Transport Fee  Protected Tree   Ordinance Fee  Planning Case   Processing Fees

                   Anticipated Date of   Ordinance   Adoption  Pending  Pending (included in   Exhibit H   instructions)  August 15, 2021   (Fee proposal   pending in PLUM)

                      Department  Council File No.  Pending  Street Services  Pending  City Planning  C.F. 09-0969-S3

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