Page 90 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 90

2021-22 Proposed Budget Changes by Department

             Category    Department              Blue Book Item Title              Dollars          Positions
                                                                                                Regular    Reso
                      Continuation of Services
                                     Root Pruning                                      171,741          -       2
                                     State Route 710 Mobility Improvement Projects          -           -       2
                                     Transportation Grant Annual Work Program       11,561,864          -     127
                                     Tree Planting                                     842,843          -       9
                                     Tree Trimming                                   3,694,291          -      41
                                     Tree Watering                                     796,243          -      11
                                     Vision Zero Bicycle Lane Inspection and Cleaning  457,509          -       6
                                     Vision Zero Concrete Construction               1,211,576          -       9
                      Increased Services
                      Services       Increased Tree Planting                         2,160,000          -       -
                                     Revised Protected Tree Ordinance                  162,599          -       2
                      Restoration of Services
                      5-Restoration of                                              24,340,372          -       -
                      Services       Restoration of One-Time Expense Reduction
                      Efficiencies to Services
                      7-Efficiencies to
                      Services       Pavement Preservation Reduction                (7,000,000)         -       -
                                     Special Fund Reduction                         (4,930,971)         -       -
                                                             Proposed Changes       37,455,274      (117)     429
                                     Total                                         205,061,471        888     429

                      Adopted Budget
                                     2020-21 Adopted Budget                        180,373,050      1,487     294
                                                                Adopted Budget     180,373,050      1,487     294
                      Separation Incentive Program
                      Incentive      Separation Incentive Program                   (5,876,975)      (66)       -
                                     Separation Incentive Program - Alternative
                                     Reduction                                        (382,745)         -       -
                                     Separation Incentive Program Cash Payment       6,704,987          -       -
                      Obligatory Changes
                      Changes        2020-21 Employee Compensation Adjustment       (1,109,699)         -       -
                                     2021-22 Employee Compensation Adjustment          156,013          -       -
                                     Full Funding for Partially Financed Positions  17,723,981          -       -
                                     Salary Step and Turnover Effect                   883,900          -       -
                      Deletion of One-Time Services
                      2-Deletion of
                      One-Time       Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities  (26,783,885)       -       -
                                     Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding           (1,875,000)         -       -
                      Continuation of Services
                      3-Continuation of   Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities
                      Services       Grant                                             213,372          -       2
                                     AHSC Grant Implementation                         217,014          -       2
                                     Assistant General Manager - External Affairs      207,330          -       1
                                     Autonomous Vehicle Demonstrations                 208,450          -       2
                                     Bikeshare and Carshare Programs                   196,474          -       2
                                     Bus Speed Improvement Projects / Metro Support    245,550          -       2
                                     Community Affairs Advocate                        137,154          -       1

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