Page 286 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 1
P. 286

Economic and Workforce Development

                    Position Counts
                                                                                      2022-23 Salary Range and Annual
             2021-22    Change   2022-23    Code                  Title

            Regular Positions
                1         -        1     1116       Secretary                       2585(2)   (53,974 - 81,097)
                1         -        1     1117-3     Executive Administrative Assistant III  3338(2)  (69,697 - 104,671)
                1         -        1     1170       Payroll Supervisor              3409(2)   (71,179 - 106,926)
                4         -        4     1223       Accounting Clerk                2511(2)   (52,429 - 78,780)
                6         -        6     1358       Administrative Clerk            1929(2)   (40,277 - 60,552)
                5         -        5     1368       Senior Administrative Clerk     2379(2)   (49,673 - 74,646)
                1         -        1     1455-2     Systems Programmer II           4711(2)   (98,365 - 147,767)
                5         -        5     1513       Accountant                      2767(2)   (57,774 - 86,798)
                3         -        3     1517-2     Auditor II                      3327(2)   (69,467 - 104,358)
                2         -        2     1518       Senior Auditor                  3741(2)   (78,112 - 117,345)
                1         -        1     1523-1     Senior Accountant I             3213(2)   (67,087 - 100,787)
                3         -        3     1523-2     Senior Accountant II            3482(2)   (72,704 - 109,202)
                1         -        1     1525-2     Principal Accountant II         4222(2)   (88,155 - 132,420)
                3         -        3     1539       Management Assistant            2511(2)   (52,429 - 78,780)
                1         -        1     1555-2     Fiscal Systems Specialist II    5161(2)   (107,761 - 161,945)
                1         -        1     1577       Assistant Chief Grants Administrator  5252(2)  (109,661 - 164,743)
                1         -        1     1579       Chief Grants Administrator      6452(2)   (134,717 - 202,368)
                1         -        1     1593-4     Departmental Chief Accountant IV  6313(2)  (131,815 - 198,005)
                3         -        3     1596       Systems Analyst                 3528(2)   (73,664 - 110,643)
                1         -        1     1597-2     Senior Systems Analyst II       5161(2)   (107,761 - 161,945)
                1         -        1     2501-1     Community Program Assistant I   2511(2)   (52,429 - 78,780)
                6         -        6     9171-1     Senior Management Analyst I     4339(2)   (90,598 - 136,095)
                4         -        4     9171-2     Senior Management Analyst II    5372(2)   (112,167 - 168,501)
                2         -        2     9182       Chief Management Analyst        6313(2)   (131,815 - 198,005)
                25        -        25    9184       Management Analyst              3528(2)   (73,664 - 110,643)
                1         -        1     9191-1     Industrial and Commercial Finance  4748(2)  (99,138 - 148,957)
                                                    Officer I
                1         -        1     9191-2     Industrial and Commercial Finance  5099(2)  (106,467 - 159,940)
                                                    Officer II
                1         -        1     9734-2     Commission Executive Assistant II  3528(2)  (73,664 - 110,643)
                1         -        1     9806       General Manager Economic and              (239,702)
                                                    Workforce Development
                1         -        1     9807       Assistant General Manager Economic  7213(2)  (150,607 - 226,255)
                                                    and Workforce Development
                88        -        88

            AS NEEDED
            To be Employed As Needed in Such Numbers as Required

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