Page 448 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 1
P. 448

Information Technology Agency

                                              Recapitulation of Changes

                                                                         Adopted         Total         Total
                                                                         Budget         Budget        Budget
                                                                         2021-22       Changes        2022-23

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

            Salaries General                                             47,914,534      1,489,632    49,404,166
            Salaries, As-Needed                                             493,978              -       493,978
            Overtime General                                                681,244              -       681,244
            Hiring Hall Salaries                                            583,974              -       583,974
            Overtime Hiring Hall                                             20,000              -        20,000

           Total Salaries                                                49,693,730      1,489,632    51,183,362

            Communications                                                    2,000              -         2,000
            Printing and Binding                                             10,000              -        10,000
            Travel                                                           30,000              -        30,000
            Contractual Services                                         35,157,917    (11,315,254)   23,842,663
            Transportation                                                    6,500              -         6,500
            Office and Administrative                                      2,709,731       188,931     2,898,662
            Operating Supplies                                             2,100,923             -     2,100,923

           Total Expense                                                 40,017,071    (11,126,323)   28,890,748
            Furniture, Office, and Technical Equipment                      153,314              -       153,314

           Total Equipment                                                  153,314              -       153,314

            Communication Services                                       25,966,055     (7,423,173)   18,542,882
           Total Special                                                 25,966,055     (7,423,173)   18,542,882

           Total Information Technology Agency                          115,830,170   (17,059,864)    98,770,306

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