Page 140 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 140

                                   DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

          2020-21      2021-22      2021-22                                                             2022-23
           Actual      Adopted      Estimated                   Program/Code/Description               Contract
        Expenditures   Budget     Expenditures                                                         Amount
                                                Design and Construction - AJ8401
       $             3,106  $             5,000  $             3,000  1. Copier rental....................................................................................................  $             5,000
                              -       1,000,000       1,000,000  2. Asset Management System.............................................................................                       -
                   85,303              1,500            50,000  3. Miscellaneous contractual services.................................................................              1,500

       $           88,409  $      1,006,500  $      1,053,000               Design and Construction Total  $             6,500
                                                System Operation, Maintenance, and Repair - AJ8402
       $             8,598  $             5,000  $             9,000  4. Ice maker (Raymer Street Yard)......................................................................  $             5,000
                   44,046            55,000            50,000  5. Safe digging alert services..............................................................................            55,000
                 152,681          172,000          166,000  6. Security services.............................................................................................          172,000
                              -            43,000                     -    7. Locate and mark .............................................................................................            43,000
                     3,422              5,000              4,000  8. Copier rental....................................................................................................              5,000
                   14,167              1,000            15,000  9. Miscellaneous contractual services.................................................................              1,000
       $         222,914  $         281,000  $         244,000  System Operation, Maintenance, and Repair Total  $         281,000
                                                Street Lighting Assessment - AJ8403
       $                519  $             1,000  $             1,000  10. Copier rental....................................................................................................  $             1,000
                            -              11,000                       -  11. Miscellaneous contractual services.................................................................            11,000
                            -                   400                     -    12. Microfiche services (County Assessment Maps).............................................                 400
       $                519  $           12,400  $             1,000      Street Lighting Assessment Total  $           12,400
                                                General Administration and Support - AJ8450
       $             1,881  $               4,000  $             2,000  13. Copier rental....................................................................................................  $               4,000

                     9,687               4,500            10,000  14. Miscellaneous contractual services.................................................................         254,500
       $           11,568  $             8,500  $           12,000  General Administration and Support Total  $         258,500
       $         323,410  $      1,308,400  $      1,310,000      TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT  $         558,400

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