Page 163 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 163
Bureau of Street Services
Pavement Preservation
Priority Outcome: Create a more livable and sustainable city
This program maintains roadways by applying slurry seal or returns the road to a good condition by
resurfacing with asphalt. The Bureau of Street Services' Pavement Management System maintains an
updated database of road surface conditions.
Program Changes Direct Cost Positions Total Cost
Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
Apportionment of Changes Applicable to Various Programs 8,603,659 10 10,592,482
Related costs consist of employee benefits.
SG: $5,569,463 SOT: ($414,895) EX: $3,449,091
Related Costs: $1,988,823
Increased Services
36. Pavement Preservation Resources 6,000,000 - 6,000,000
Add one-time funding in the Overtime General ($697,902),
Contractual Services ($442,625), and Construction Expense
($4,859,473) accounts to provide additional resources for the
Pavement Preservation Program. Front-funding is provided by
the Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund and will be fully
reimbursed by Metro from the Coronavirus Response and
Relief Supplemental Appropriation Funds.
SOT: $697,902 EX: $5,302,098