Page 337 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 337

Accessible Housing Program

                                                                                    2021-22          2022-23
                                                                                    Adopted         Proposed
                                                                                     Budget           Budget
                Chief  Architect  –  Funds  are  provided  for  the  Chief  Architect  that  is   10,218,369   4,019,600
                licensed to carry out accessibility inspections, write scopes of work, and
                develop and prepare architectural drawings and plans.

                City  Architectural  Plans  –  Funds  were  provided  in  2021-22  to    48,570                 -
                reimburse the Department of Building and Safety for the provision of City
                architectural  drawings,  plans,  and  related  documents  of  Settlement
                Agreement  developments.  Funding  is  not  continued  in  2022-23.  The
                available balance at the close of 2021-22 will roll over into 2022-23 to
                cover these expenses.
                Contract Programming – Systems Upgrades – Funds are provided          1,174,000         1,755,000
                for the modification to the Housing  Department’s Housing Information
                Management System to allow it to meet the data collection and reporting
                requirements mandated by the Settlement Agreement and VCA, as well
                as  funds  to  create  and  maintain  a  Website  Registry  for  accessible
                housing with specified requirements intended to ensure equal access to
                affordable housing units financed through the City.

                Court Monitor – Funds are provided for a Court Monitor appointed by   1,155,000         1,155,000
                the District Court to ensure the Settlement Agreement is implemented
                effectively and to assist the Court in monitoring the City’s compliance.

                Outside Auditor – Funds are provided for mandated auditor services,     960,000           960,000
                which  includes  conducting  audits  of  Settlement  Agreement  housing
                developments  to  ensure  compliance  with  the  City’s  Monitoring,
                Compliance, and Enforcement Plan (MCEP).

                Plaintiff Counsel – Funds are provided for the cost of Plaintiffs’ Counsel   502,000      452,000
                to monitor the Settlement Agreement.

                Relocation  Consultant  –  Funds  are  provided  to  pay  for  contracts      -           605,564
                related to providing relocation assistance to tenants of occupied units.

                Retrofit – Funds are provided to pay for contracts related to conducting   3,210,560    1,300,000
                accessibility retrofits, including architectural services and construction.

                Translation Services – Funds are provided for contractual services to    49,255            49,255
                effectively  communicate  with  individuals  with  disabilities  or  limited
                English proficiency.

            REIMBURSEMENT OF GENERAL FUND COSTS – Funds are provided to                 5,430,401         6,239,147
            reimburse  the  General  Fund  for  fringe  benefits,  central  services,  and
            department administration and support.

             Subtotal Accessible Housing Program Fund Appropriations               $  33,930,045     $  26,395,141

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