Page 473 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 473


                                                 SPECIAL FUND

                                        BASIS FOR THE PROPOSED BUDGET

            The 2022-23 Proposed Budget for the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program Special Fund, otherwise
            known as the Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) Fund, relates to current year funding as follows:

                                                                    Amount                     % Change

                     2021-22 Adopted Budget                   $        87,004,745

                     2022-23 Proposed Budget                  $        99,624,584

                     Change from 2021-22 Budget               $        12,619,839                 14.5%

            Enacted in 2017, SB 1, “The Road Repair and Accountability Act,” provides funding to cities and counties to address
            basic road maintenance, rehabilitation, and critical safety needs on the state highway system and the local street
            and road system. SB 1 increases per gallon fuel excise taxes, diesel fuel sales taxes, and vehicle registration fees
            and provides inflationary adjustments to fuel tax rates in future years.
            Pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 2030, the use of SB 1 funds includes, but is not limited to the

                      and rehabilitation;
                    projects;
                  Railroad grade separations;
                  Complete  street  components,  including  active  transportation  purposes,  pedestrian  and  bicycle  safety
                   projects,  transit  facilities,  and  drainage  and  stormwater  capture  projects  in  conjunction  with  any  other
                   allowable project; and,
                  Traffic control devices.

            In order to receive the upcoming fiscal year’s apportionment of SB 1 fund, the City must annually adopt and submit
            a planned list of projects to be funded with SB 1 funds, no later than July 1  of any given year, to the California
            Transportation Committee (CTC). In addition, the City must submit an annual report of street or road expenditures
            made during the preceding fiscal year to the CTC no later than December 1  of the following year.

                  Road repair and rehabilitation – Funds are provided to reconstruct failed pavement, reconstruct concrete
                   streets, and prevent further deterioration in the overall condition of the City street system by performing
                   resurfacing, slurry sealing, or asphalt repairs.

                  Safety  Projects  –  Funds  are  provided  for  street  safety  projects along  Vision Zero High  Injury  Network
                   corridors including traffic signal installations, speed feedback sign installation and maintenance, pedestrian
                   refuge island implementation, and sidewalk repair to safely separate vehicle and pedestrian traffic.

                  Capital and Technology Improvement Expenditure Program – Funds are provided for 50 street-related
                   projects,  including  four  flood  control  projects  and  four  street  lighting  projects  to  improve  the  safety  of
                   pedestrians and vehicles.

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