Page 133 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 133


           This Department provides rescue and emergency medical services; controls and extinguishes dangerous fires; protects
           life and property from fire risks by inspecting buildings for fire hazards and enforcing fire prevention laws; carries on a
           fire prevention educational program; and investigates suspected cases of arson.

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures     Budget       Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2020-21        2021-22        2021-22                                                    2022-23

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

              38,062,681     37,529,365    36,472,000 Salaries General                                  37,912,329
             460,135,926    432,477,616   437,876,000 Salaries Sworn                                   470,385,877
               5,904,880      5,840,110     5,846,000 Sworn Bonuses                                      5,853,445
                662,658       5,356,709     5,357,000 Unused Sick Time                                   5,356,709
                 79,564        106,000        106,000 Salaries, As-Needed                                  106,000
               2,226,336      1,387,364     3,003,000 Overtime General                                   1,387,364
              12,532,599      6,464,283    17,307,000 Overtime Sworn                                     6,464,283
             203,854,803    202,784,349   191,172,000 Overtime Constant Staffing                       195,233,582
              37,992,384     16,625,400    26,159,000 Overtime Variable Staffing                        19,275,784
             761,451,831    708,571,196   723,298,000 Total Salaries                                   741,975,373

                107,695        348,105        333,000 Printing and Binding                                 348,105
                      -         23,070         23,000 Travel                                                23,070
                141,116        223,755        215,000 Construction Expense                                 223,755
              25,999,256     12,810,172    24,826,000 Contractual Services                              15,218,919
               3,530,818      3,500,000     5,200,000 Contract Brush Clearance                           3,500,000
               7,540,346      3,709,604     6,319,000 Field Equipment Expense                            3,709,604
                      -          5,400          5,000 Investigations                                         5,400
               3,312,175      3,588,420     3,588,000 Rescue Supplies and Expense                        3,588,420
                 47,551          3,158         53,000 Transportation                                         3,158
               3,306,417      5,165,764     5,665,000 Uniforms                                           4,974,084
                896,903        766,060        766,000 Water Control Devices                                766,060
               2,111,230      2,200,888     3,708,000 Office and Administrative                          2,220,888
              20,267,414      5,352,759     7,094,000 Operating Supplies                                 4,995,160
              67,260,921     37,697,155    57,795,000 Total Expense                                     39,576,623

             828,712,752    746,268,351   781,093,000 Total Fire                                       781,551,996

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