Page 190 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 190

Bureau of Street Lighting

              Actual       Adopted       Estimated                                                       Total
           Expenditures     Budget      Expenditures                                                    Budget
             2020-21        2021-22       2021-22                                                       2022-23

                                                   SOURCES OF FUNDS

               3,510,412      3,073,255     1,956,000 General Fund                                         143,750
               2,293,177      3,460,511     2,377,000 Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund (Sch. 5)           6,835,347
               1,500,673             -        457,000 Community Development Trust Fund (Sch. 8)                  -
                  86,173       200,878        134,000 Sewer Capital Fund (Sch. 14)                         212,238
                                                      Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment Fund (Sch.
              30,583,434     29,990,173    27,795,000                                                    31,990,656
                   8,500             -              - Arts Development Fee Trust Fund (Sch. 25)                  -
                                                      Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund (Sch.
                  13,622             -              -                                                            -
               2,860,175      3,065,343     2,795,000 Proposition C Anti-Gridlock Transit Fund (Sch. 27)  2,996,400
                       -             -        124,000 Bridge Improvement Program Fund (Sch. 29)                  -
                       -             -          7,000 CRA Non-Housing Bond Proceeds Fund (Sch. 29)               -
                 145,390             -              - Engineering Special Service Fund (Sch. 29)                 -
                   2,463             -         38,000 State AB1290 City Fund (Sch. 29)                           -
                  89,308       100,539         68,000 Street Banners Revenue Trust Fund (Sch. 29)          106,218
                  27,713             -              - Street Furniture Revenue Fund (Sch. 29)                    -
                       -             -        258,000 Transportation Grants Fund (Sch. 29)                       -
                  10,718             -              - Warner Center Transportation Trust Fund (Sch. 29)          -
                                                      West LA Transportation Improvement & Mitigation
                  11,518             -              -                                                            -
                                                      (Sch. 29)
                 222,250       485,403        191,000 Measure R Local Return Fund (Sch. 49)                487,215
               1,145,707       890,952      1,607,000 Measure M Local Return Fund (Sch. 52)                661,175
                                                      Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program
                 367,809             -        411,000                                                            -
                                                      Special (Sch. 5)
              42,879,042     41,267,054    38,218,000 Total Funds                                        43,432,999

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