Page 215 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 215

Appropriations to City Employees' Retirement

           Charter Section 1160 requires the City to pay the cost of maintenance of the retirement fund, which provides retirement,
           disability, and death benefits for officers and employees of the City except members of the Fire and Police Pensions
           System and members of the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Plan. The City's General Fund contribution will
           be financed by the issuance of a Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note (TRAN). The Special Fund portion is the amount
           obligated to the Harbor, Airports, the Los Angeles City Employee's Retirement System, and the Los Angeles Fire and
           Police Pensions System for retirement costs for their employees.

           Departmental revenue and total City Employees' Retirement System budget and supporting data are shown in Section

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures     Budget       Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2020-21        2021-22        2021-22                                                    2022-23

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

              97,388,939    129,047,678   107,831,000 Civilian Pensions - Special Fund Appropriation   132,355,098
              97,388,939    129,047,678   107,831,000 Total Special                                    132,355,098

              97,388,939    129,047,678   107,831,000 Total Appropriations to City Employees' Retirement  132,355,098

              Actual       Adopted       Estimated                                                       Total
           Expenditures     Budget      Expenditures                                                    Budget
             2020-21        2021-22       2021-22                                                       2022-23
                                                   SOURCES OF FUNDS

              97,388,939    129,047,678   107,831,000 City Employees Retirement Fund (Sch. 12)          132,355,098
              97,388,939    129,047,678   107,831,000 Total Funds                                       132,355,098

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