Page 224 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 224

Capital Finance Administration

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures      Budget      Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2020-21        2021-22        2021-22                                                    2022-23

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS
                                                     General Fund

                                                      Reserve for Convention Center Expansion Future
                       -              -             -                                                   34,077,356
                                                      Debt Issuance
                       -     17,245,868     17,245,000 Commercial Paper                                 10,000,000
                1,273,772     1,272,943      1,273,000 Debt Service for CDD Projects                     1,369,316
                 268,607        350,000       350,000 General Administration                               350,000
                2,000,000     2,000,000      2,000,000 LACC Commerical Paper                             2,000,000
                3,804,921             -             - MICLA 2010-A (Capital Equipment)                           -
                6,313,800             -             - MICLA 2010-B (Capital Equipment)                           -
                1,539,624     1,537,972      1,538,000 MICLA 2010-C (Real Property RZEDB)                1,539,860
                 859,917      4,830,179      4,830,000 MICLA 2011-A (QECB)                                       -
                 767,347              -             - MICLA 2012-A (Capital Eqpt Refunding)                      -
                 733,532              -             - MICLA 2014-A (Real Property)                               -
                5,997,128             -             - MICLA 2014 Equipment (Private Placement)                   -
               47,195,001    47,207,136     47,207,000 MICLA 2015-A Refunding (Convention Center)       13,136,774
               28,626,362    42,637,475     42,637,000 MICLA 2016-B (Real Property)                     42,645,913
               14,709,280    14,711,400     14,711,000 MICLA 2016-A (Capital Equipment)                 14,711,225
                2,503,520     2,500,125      2,500,000 MICLA 2018-B (Real Property)                      2,499,000
                3,005,159     3,000,234      3,000,000 MICLA 2018-C (MICLA AK Refunding)                 3,003,061
                6,996,033     6,994,625      6,995,000 MICLA 2018-A (Capital Equipment)                  6,995,375
                9,669,492             -             - MICLA 2019-A (Capital Equipment)                           -
                5,788,691             -             - MICLA 2019-B (Real Property)                               -
                       -     10,763,875     10,764,000 MICLA 2020-A (Capital Equipment)                 10,765,500
                       -     11,292,375     11,292,000 MICLA 2020-B (Refunding) (Real Property)         11,289,750
                                                      MICLA 2020-C (Refunding - Taxable) (Real
                       -     22,808,009     22,808,000                                                  10,372,605
                                                      MICLA 2021-A  (Ref-Taxable)(Cap Equip & Real
                       -      7,924,925      7,925,000                                                  21,995,050
                                                      MICLA 2021-B (Refunding) (Capital Equipment &
                       -      3,502,858      3,503,000                                                   3,024,050
                                                      Real Property)
                       -              -             - MICLA 2021-C (Capital Equipment & Real Property)  15,261,625
                3,587,249     3,587,249      3,587,000 Police Vehicles Financing                         3,550,900
                9,214,286     9,214,286      9,214,000 Police and Fire Radios                            9,214,286
                6,000,000    11,000,000     11,000,000 MICLA Refunding of Commercial Paper              11,000,000
                  23,915         55,000        55,000 Trustee Fees                                          55,000

                                                     Special Parking Revenue Fund (Sch. 11)
                  44,431              -             - MICLA 2012-B (Real Property Refunding)                     -

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