Page 357 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 357

          SCHEDULE 48
                                          MUNICIPAL HOUSING FINANCE FUND
          Monies derived from the sale of revenue bonds for multi-family residential housing developments, Section 5.120.5 of the Los Angeles
          Municipal Code, are deposited into the Municipal Housing Finance Fund. Receipts are used for the purpose of acquiring, developing,
          constructing and rehabilitating of single-family and multi-family residential housing developments. Proceeds are also used for the
          purpose of making loans for financing or refinancing of the acquisition, development, construction and rehabilitation of single-family
          and multi-family residential housing development. This fund is administered by the Housing Department.
               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2020-21         2021-22                                                                 2022-23
                18,072,422       22,134,269  Cash Balance, July 1                                        25,174,269
                        -                -  PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations           8,994,726
                18,072,422        22,134,269  Balance Available, July 1                                  16,179,543
                 3,347,880        3,125,000  11,767 Land Use Covenant Fee                                 3,236,000
                    4,307             3,000  11,779 Mortgage Application/Loan Fee                            5,000
                 3,515,309        3,946,000  11,782 Municipal Bond Registration                           3,731,000
                 1,411,208        1,894,000  11,796 Program Income                                        1,653,000
                 1,772,515          477,000  11,840 Other Receipts                                         475,000
                   255,059          272,000  11,842 Interest                                               391,000
                28,378,700        31,851,269  Total Revenue                                              25,670,543

          EXPENDITURES                                                APPROPRIATIONS
                        -            45,000  87 City Administrative Officer                                 68,281
                    59,387           65,000  113 City Attorney                                              68,124
                    29,617               -  151 City Planning                                                    -
                        -            10,000  203 Controller                                                 10,417
                    36,999               -  341 Finance                                                     45,000
                    4,500                -  393 General Services                                                 -
                 3,524,002        3,751,000  429 Housing                                                  4,459,636
                    1,042                -  465 Information Technology Agency                                    -
                        -                -  523 Personnel                                                  168,061
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                    10,268           90,000  1,990  Contract Programming - Systems Upgrades                      -
                    1,624                -  2,014  Engineering Special Service Fund                              -
                    75,000               -  2,023.5  Fuse Program                                                -
                   192,707          224,500  2,175  Technical Contracts                                    204,500
                    1,100                -  2,176  Technical RFP Year 1                                          -
                      236             1,500  2,180  Translation Services                                     1,500
                        -                -  2,181  Unallocated                                           17,934,970
                 2,307,949        2,490,000  2,198  Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                   2,710,054

                 6,244,431        6,677,000  Total Appropriations                                        25,670,543
                22,134,269        25,174,269  Ending Balance, June 30                                           -

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