Page 375 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 375

                                                                          ($ million)

                                                                              Special Purpose            Bond Redemption
                                                   General Fund                    Funds                   and Interest                 Total
                                             Actual   Estimate  Budget   Actual   Estimate  Budget   Actual  Estimate  Budget  Actual  Estimate  Budget
                                             2020-21  2021-22  2022-23   2020-21  2021-22  2022-23  2020-21  2021-22  2022-23  2020-21  2021-22  2022-23
       Available Balance, July 1................................................................... $             -  *  $             -  *  $           -  *  $          628.4  $        640.1  $        857.8  $           -  $           -  $           -  $        628.4  $         640.1  $        857.8
       Property Tax......................................................................................          2,389.4           2,484.0        2,620.4                 -                -                -           128.5           117.6           114.7         2,517.9          2,601.6         2,735.1
       Other Taxes.......................................................................................          2,241.8           2,647.1        2,783.6              210.9            228.8            244.0         2,452.7          2,875.9         3,027.6
       Departmental Receipts......................................................................          1,257.5           1,218.8        1,267.3                 -                -                -         1,257.5          1,218.8         1,267.3
       Grants................................................................................................               43.7                59.3           122.1              405.3            441.3            502.6            449.0             500.6            624.7
       Other Receipts...................................................................................          1,077.0           1,132.8           562.0           2,229.0         2,461.7         2,585.0         3,306.0          3,594.5         3,147.0
       Transfer from Reserve Fund..............................................................                 -                85.1           105.6                -               85.1            105.6
       Reserve for Encumbrances - Carried Forward..................................                                                         -                 -                -
       Total                                $       7,009.4  $       7,627.1    $    7,461.0    $       3,473.6  $     3,771.9    $     4,189.4    $       128.5    $       117.6    $       114.7  $   10,611.5    $    11,516.6    $   11,765.1

       Operating Departments...................................................................... $       4,042.2  $       4,237.2  $    4,151.9  $       1,165.2  $     1,135.9  $     1,245.8  $           -  $           -  $           -  $     5,207.4  $      5,373.1  $     5,397.7
       Employee Benefits.............................................................................          2,063.0           2,095.0  $    2,149.7                97.4            107.8            132.4               -               -               -         2,160.4          2,202.8         2,282.1
       Capital Finance Administration..........................................................             160.9              224.4  $       228.9                26.8              27.6              27.3               -               -               -            187.7             252.0            256.2
       General City Purposes.......................................................................               96.8              134.0  $       252.6                  1.0                1.6              12.7               -               -               -              97.8             135.6            265.3
       Unappropriated Balance....................................................................                 -                 -  $       261.5                 -                -                -               -               -               -                -                 -            261.5
       Water and Electricity..........................................................................               48.9                48.8  $         48.8                 -                -                -               -               -               -              48.9               48.8              48.8
       Judgement Obligation Bonds Debt Service.......................................                 -                 -  $           -                 -                -                -               -               -               -                -                 -                -
       Leasing..............................................................................................                 -                74.0  $         20.0                 -                -                -                -               74.0              20.0
       Liability Claims...................................................................................               84.6                80.0  $         80.0                  2.7                7.4                7.4               -               -               -              87.3               87.4              87.4
       General City Bonds............................................................................                -                 -  $           -                 -                -                -           128.5           117.6           114.7            128.5             117.6            114.7
       Capital and Technology Improvement Expenditure Program***........               30.8                30.3  $         46.6              207.0            361.7            470.7               -               -               -            237.8             392.0            517.3
       Wastewater Special Purpose Fund...................................................                 -                 -  $           -              470.2            541.1            614.7               -               -               -            470.2             541.1            614.7
       Other Purposes..................................................................................             250.3              139.3  $       221.0              832.9         1,102.6         1,678.4               -               -               -         1,083.2          1,241.9         1,899.4
       Reserve for Committed Projects........................................................             231.9              564.1  $           -                30.3                -               -               -               -            262.2             564.1                -
       Total                                $       7,009.4  $       7,627.1  $    7,461.0  $       2,833.5  $     3,285.7  $     4,189.4  $       128.5  $       117.6  $       114.7  $     9,971.4  $    11,030.4  $   11,765.1

       Available Balance, June 30...............................................................  $             -  **  $             -  **  $           -  **  $          640.1  $        486.2  $            -  $           -  $           -  $           -  $        640.1  $         486.2  $            -

        * An amount only reflects the transfer from the Reserve Fund into the budget to assist in financing the General Fund portion of the budget.  All excess general revenue and general unencumbered funds at year-end are transferred into this fund.  The Reserve
        Fund is an unbudgeted fund to finance contingencies and major emergencies that may occur.  The condition of the fund is shown in Section 3 of the budget schedules and statements.
        **  An amount reflects unencumbered balances and unallocated revenues that revert to the Reserve Fund.
        *** Funding for technology items that are not part of this program are reflected in other departmental and non departmental accounts
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