Page 476 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 476

City Indebtedness

               Exhibit 9 provides the outstanding balances of City debts along with 2021-22
               and 2022-23 estimated debt service requirements based on the amount of
               current outstanding debt.

                                                        EXHIBIT 9

                            OUTSTANDING DEBT AND DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS                   (1)
                                         (amounts expressed in thousands)

                                              Outstanding Balance, 6/30/2022        Service Requirement
                Bonds                          Principal    Interest      Total     2021-22      2022-23
                MICLA  (2)                    $  1,398,707  $    438,359  $  1,837,066  $   205,451  $   180,078
                General Obligation                 739,015      176,103     915,118     117,845      114,744
                 Site-Specific Tax Revenue            3,606        415         4,021        833          895
                Solid Waste Resources Revenue      147,015       30,096     177,111       23,953       24,159
                 Wastewater System               2,542,100    1,499,134    4,041,234     224,487     231,293
                   Subtotal                      4,830,443     2,144,107     6,974,550
                Tax and Revenue Anticipation No  --         --           --               72,516          -

                 Total                          4,830,443  2,144,107    6,974,550       645,085      551,169

                 (1) Long-term debt does not include short-term commercial paper notes. However, the goal is to replace commercial
                 paper with long term debt. As of January 2022, the balance of the MICLA and Wastewater System commercial paper
                 notes was $176 million and $200 million, respectively.
                 (2)  Includes debt service requirement supported by assessment on real property approved by the electorate of
                 $225,500 in 2021-22.
                 (3)  A total of $1,854,090,000 in TRAN were issued on July 01, 2021, with final maturity of June 23, 2022. The
                 amount of interest to be paid in 2022-23 will depend upon the size of the TRAN and interest rates at the time of sale.
                 The size of the TRAN will depend upon the amount of cash needed for cash flow and budgetary decisions on advance
                 funding of City pensions and retirement contributions.
                 Source:   Official Statements

               The City strategically structures its various debt service schedules with the
               goal of stability. This means that, when one issuance is paid off and retired,
               payments are accelerated for other issuances. By scheduling the payments
               this way the City avoids large swings in debt service which can have negative
               budgetary impacts.

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