Page 490 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 490


                                        Distribution of 2022-23 Grants by Subfunction

                                                                      Estimated       Estimated       Estimated
            Code                     Subfunction                      Receipts        City Match        Total
            PART I--Budgetary, Library and Recreation & Parks Departments
            AB      Legal Prosecution                              $           2,412,050  $                        --  $           2,412,050
            AC      Crime Control                                  $         99,562,535  $           1,545,634  $       101,108,169
            AL      Local Emergency Planning Response              $         12,779,727  $              775,532  $         13,555,259
            BF      Wastewater Collection, Treatment & Disposal    $                71,668  $                        --  $                71,668
            BL      Environmental Quality                          $           8,546,385  $              210,508  $           8,756,893
            CA      Street & Highway Transportation                $       102,776,412  $         32,223,205  $       134,999,617
            CD      Mass Transit                                   $         75,753,591  $         67,614,849  $       143,368,440
            DA      Arts & Cultural Opportunities                  $              811,342  $              200,000  $           1,011,342
            DB      Educational Opportunities                      $              276,000  $                        --  $              276,000
            DC      Capital                                        $         41,550,000  $                        --  $         41,550,000
            EA      Economic Opportunities & Development           $         89,298,149  $                93,989  $         89,392,138
            EB      Employment Opportunities                       $         56,274,000  $                        --  $         56,274,000
            EG      Human Services                                 $       268,698,791  $           2,389,429  $       271,088,220
            FC      Administrative                                 $         12,712,138  $                        --  $         12,712,138
            Subtotal Budgetary, Library and Recreation & Parks     $       771,522,788  $       105,053,146  $       876,575,934

            PART II--Proprietary Departments
            AC      Crime Control                                  $           6,126,000  $           8,385,000  $         14,511,000
            AL      Local Emergency Planning Response              $              714,000  $                        --  $              714,000
            BL      Environmental Quality                          $       141,909,132  $       106,556,761  $       248,465,893
            CA      Street & Highway Transportation                $         38,044,630  $         22,304,000  $         60,348,630
            DC      Capital                                        $         75,619,000  $         20,787,000  $         96,406,000
            EA      Economic Opportunities & Development           $                        --  $                        --  $                        --
            Subtotal Proprietary                                   $       262,412,762  $       158,032,761  $       420,445,523
                    Total City of Los Angeles                      $    1,033,935,550  $       263,085,907  $    1,297,021,457

                                           Distribution of 2021-22 Grants by Source

            PART I--Budgetary, Library and Recreation & Parks Departments
              C     County Grants                                  $       112,467,476  $           4,565,617  $       117,033,093
              F     Federal Grants                                 $       154,548,269  $         20,289,309  $       174,837,578
             F/S    Federal Grants with State as Pass-through      $       225,781,928  $         18,611,391  $       244,393,319
             F/C    Federal Grants with County as Pass-through     $         14,169,614  $           7,431,570  $         21,601,184
              S     State Grants                                   $       247,718,186  $         54,155,259  $       301,873,445
             S/C    State Grants with County as Pass-through       $         16,837,315  $                        --  $         16,837,315
              O     Other                                          $                        --  $                        --  $                        --

            Subtotal Budgetary, Library and Recreation & Parks     $       771,522,788  $       105,053,146  $       876,575,934
            PART II--Proprietary Departments
              C     County Grants                                  $           7,689,000  $           1,034,000  $           8,723,000
              F     Federal Grants                                 $         99,916,000  $         50,442,000  $       150,358,000
             F/S    Federal Grants with State as Pass-through      $              714,000  $                        --  $              714,000
             F/C    Federal Grants with County as Pass-through     $                        --  $                        --  $                        --
             F/O    Federal Grants with Other Organization as Pass-through  $                        --  $                        --  $                        --
              S     State Grants                                   $       145,767,083  $       106,556,761  $       252,323,844
              O     Other                                          $           8,326,679  $                        --  $           8,326,679
            Subtotal Proprietary Departments                       $       262,412,762  $       158,032,761  $       420,445,523
                    Total City of Los Angeles                      $    1,033,935,550  $       263,085,907  $    1,297,021,457

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