Page 496 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 496

                                             OF 2022-23 APPROPRIATIONS

                                                Operating  Other Allocated  Capital  Bond Redemption  Total General
            Code Function                        Budget     Costs Applied  Improvements *  and Interest  Budget
              A   Community Safety................................ $     2,985,754,095  $     1,712,440,519  $        21,735,719  $           39,609,067         4,759,539,400
              B   Home and Community Environment.....        2,517,565,767            558,169,976        374,441,000               74,465,494         3,524,642,237

              C   Transportation......................................         1,033,885,808            324,203,714            90,680,937                              --         1,448,770,459
              D   Cultural, Educational, and Recreational
                    Services.............................................            567,215,652            206,335,871            3,100,000                    669,130            777,320,653
              E   Human Resources, Economic

                    Assistance, and Development............            212,769,875             61,357,979                          --                              --            274,127,854
              F   General Administration and Support.....        3,843,242,415         (2,862,508,059)                         --                              --            980,734,356
                  Total..................................................... $   11,160,433,612  $                         --  $     489,957,656  $         114,743,691  $   11,765,134,959

             This tabulation represents a distribution of the 2022-23 appropriations of City funds for general budget purposes according to City functions.
             Appropriations distributed to specific programs are presented on the Supporting Data pages in Section 2
             Appropriations for General City Budget purposes and other funds estimated to be spent by departments (except for the proprietary departments) during the fiscal year
             are distributed according to subfunction of City government in the tabulation appearing in Section 6 .
             A consolidated statement of all departments of City government, including the Airports, Harbor, and Water and Power departments, appears also in Section 6 and
             shows the economic impact of the City's budget for the fiscal year.
             *Appropriations of $27,306,944 for Capital Improvements are reflected in the Operating Budget column.

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