Page 37 - FY 2022-23 Revenue Outlook
P. 37

                Property Tax - Secured Receipts Recorded by County Property Tax Year
                                                       (Thousand Dollars)

          MONTHLY        2018-19     2019-20    2020-21                     2021-22                      2022-23
                         ACTUAL     ACTUAL     ACTUAL      BUDGET     ACTUAL    VARIANCE    REVISED    PROPOSED
          DECEMBER        $565,317    $616,508   $655,553   $693,900   $681,361    ($12,539)  $681,361     714,070
          JANUARY          141,329     154,127    163,888    173,480    170,340      (3,140)   170,340     178,520
          FEBRUARY         110,045     94,176      84,054    132,100     94,605     (37,495)    94,605     114,500
          APRIL            406,409     454,818    499,151    485,220                           507,651     516,660
          MAY              189,495     117,360    186,674    210,940                           196,043     211,680
          JUNE                         64,402         (46)
          JULY              20,692      9,975      25,276     24,840                            24,300      28,730
          AUGUST             6,551     12,935      10,935      7,870                            12,700      10,540
          TOTAL              1,439,838       1,524,303       1,625,484       1,728,350           1,687,000        1,774,700
          % Change            7.2%       5.9%        6.6%       6.3%                              3.8%        5.2%

          MONTHLY        2018-19     2019-20    2020-21                     2021-22                      2022-23
                         ACTUAL     ACTUAL     ACTUAL      BUDGET     ACTUAL    VARIANCE    REVISED    PROPOSED
          DECEMBER        $565,317    $616,508   $655,553   $693,900   $681,361    ($12,539)  $681,361    $714,070
          JANUARY          706,646     770,635    819,441    867,380    851,701     (15,679)   851,701     892,590
          FEBRUARY         816,691     864,811    903,495    999,480    946,306     (53,174)   946,306    1,007,090
          MARCH            816,691     864,811    903,495    999,480    946,306     (53,174)   946,306    1,007,090
          APRIL           1,223,100  1,319,630  1,402,646   1,484,700                         1,453,957   1,523,750
          MAY             1,412,595  1,436,990  1,589,320   1,695,640                         1,650,000   1,735,430
          JUNE            1,412,595  1,501,392  1,589,273   1,695,640                         1,650,000   1,735,430
          JULY            1,433,287  1,511,367  1,614,549   1,720,480                         1,674,300   1,764,160
          AUGUST          1,439,838  1,524,303  1,625,484   1,728,350                         1,687,000   1,774,700
          SEPTEMBER       1,439,838  1,524,303  1,625,484   1,728,350                         1,687,000   1,774,700
          OCTOBER         1,439,838  1,524,303  1,625,484   1,728,350                         1,687,000   1,774,700
          NOVEMBER        1,439,838  1,524,303  1,625,484   1,728,350                         1,687,000   1,774,700

          Original Charge  $1,413,293  $1,541,270  $1,638,881  $1,734,756                     $1,703,402  $1,785,165
          % Change             7.2%       9.1%       6.3%       5.9%                              3.9%         4.8%
           -  Orig Charge
          Adjusted Charge  $1,438,942  $1,552,505  $1,650,171  $1,746,706                     $1,710,538  $1,792,643
          % Change             7.7%       7.9%       6.3%       5.9%                              3.7%         4.8%
           -  Adj Charge
          City Collection
          Rate of Original   101.9%      98.9%      99.2%       99.6%                             99.0%       99.4%

          Above are monthly secured receipts by County tax year, which begins in December and therefore does not align with the City fiscal year.
          The budget estimate for 2021-22 assumed 5.9 percent growth in assessed value (AV) and actual receipts, which corresponds with City
          AV growth for the 2021 tax year. The County Assessor subsequently reported 4.0 percent growth for the City, citing reductions made to
          assessed value in response to the pandemic.
          The Assessor has not provided a preliminary forecast for assessment year 2022. The estimated growth of 4.8 percent for the 2021
          County tax year is based on 2021-22 receipts-to-date, assumptions for the full inflation adjustments as based on the CPI and increased
          collection rate.

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