Page 125 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 125

                                               CHANGES BY CATEGORY

           Category  Department       Blue Book Item Title                          Dollars         Positions
                                                                                               Regular   Resolution

           Continuation of Services
                    City Attorney
                                      Accessible Housing Program Support               336,832     -        2
                                      Administrative Citation Enforcement Support      245,755     -        2
                                      Affirmative Litigation Support                   681,159     -        6
                                      Bureau of Sanitation Legal Support               194,970     -        1
                                      California Environmental Quality Act -           141,863     -        1
                                      California Environmental Quality Act -
                                      Planning                                         194,969     -        1
                                      California Environmental Quality Act – Public
                                      Works                                            465,221     -        3
                                      Cannabis Administration, Law, and Litigation     387,618     -        3
                                      Cannabis Enforcement Regulation                1,660,693     -        11
                                      Child Sexual Abuse Prosecutorial Support         194,969     -        1
                                      City Infrastructure Development Support          194,969     -        1
                                      Citywide Nuisance Abatement Program              478,695     -        3
                                      Claims and Risk Management Division               65,947     -        1
                                      Community Planning Program Support               387,620     -        3
                                      Continuing Education Stipend                     516,750     -        -
                                      Department of Water and Power Support            560,805     -        4
                                      Foreclosure Registry Program                     298,861     -        2
                                      General Litigation Support                       150,564     -        2
                                      Harbor Department Support                        270,251     -        2
                                      Intellectual Property Crime Support               77,037     -        1
                                      Mental Competency Caseload Support               525,944     -        4
                                      Neighborhood Prosecutor Program Support          851,178    6         -
                                      Office of Wage Standards Support                 635,679     -        5
                                      Parking Meters and Facilities Divisions          141,863     -        1
                                      Police Litigation Division                       493,830     -        3
                                      Proposition HHH Legal Support                    365,428     -        3
                                      Qui Tam Affirmative Litigation                   389,938     -        2
                                      Risk Management Division                         867,973     -        6
                    City Clerk
                                      Administrative Support                           160,903     -        2
                                      Neighborhood Council Funding Support              50,229     -        1
                                      November 2022 Election - Departmental
                                      Expenses                                       2,303,394     -        -
                                      Planning and Land Use Management
                                      Committee Support                                 97,110     -        1
                                      Public Records Act Assistance                     37,530     -        1
                                      Public Safety and Homelessness Support            97,110    1         -

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