Page 149 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 149

                                               CHANGES BY CATEGORY

           Category  Department       Blue Book Item Title                          Dollars         Positions

                                                                                               Regular   Resolution
           Increased Services
                                      Community Conservation and Stewardship            31,160     -        1
                                      Program Support
                                      Executive Management Support                     101,896     -        1
                                      Cable Modem Upgrade                              450,000     -        -
                                      Central Library Staff Enhancement                 52,718    1         -
                                      Engagement and Learning Services Staff
                                      Enhancement                                      174,187    3         -
                                      General Administration Staff Enhancement         135,774    2         -
                                      Information Technology Hardware                  100,000     -        -
                                      Information Technology Infrastructure          3,411,095     -        -
                                      Library Books and Materials                    1,000,000     -        -
                                      Library Experience Office Staff Enhancement      566,131    14        -
                                      Maker Faire Event Enhancement                    117,000     -        -
                                      Menstrual Hygiene Pilot Program Expansion         25,000     -        -
                                      Security Cameras and Badge Access              3,000,000     -        -
                                      Technology Support Staff Enhancement              68,268    1         -
                    Recreation and Parks
                                      Adaptive Program Expansion                       124,075     -        3
                                      Fire-Life-Safety Systems                         450,000     -        -
                                      New and Expanded Facilities                    2,162,192    5         -
                                      Sanitation Cost Increase                         350,000     -        -
                                      Security Camera Maintenance and Repair           183,220     -        -
                                      Summer Play LA - Summer Camp                   3,000,000     -        -
                                                                     Total         $95,422,641    48       444

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