Page 235 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 235

                                          COMPARISON OF MICLA FUNDING

                                                        AUTHORIZED   AUTHORIZED   AUTHORIZED   AUTHORIZED    PROPOSED
                                                          2018-19      2019-20      2020-21      2021-22      2022-23
      Equipment and Vehicles:
        Animal Services Animal Control Vehicle         $        -    $       -    $             190,000  $  -    $  -
        Bureau of Sanitation Clean Streets Vehicles                9,623,200              6,549,000              1,410,000  147,000             18,811,000
        Bureau of Sanitation Solid Resources Program Vehicles   -            -            -            -                5,000,000
        Bureau of Street Lighting Electric Vehicle Charging Stations  -    713,581        -        1,200,000              2,400,000
        Bureau of Street Lighting  High Voltage Conversion Program  -        -               8,900,000  -           -
        Bureau of Street Lighting Fleet Replacement                2,605,418  -           -        4,102,582        -
        Bureau of Street Lighting Panel Upgrade and Generator   -            -         510,000         -            -
        Bureau of Street Services Electric Vehicles - Consolidated Equipment  -    -      -            -                3,410,000
        Bureau of Street Services Powerscreen Unit for Asphalt Plant  -      -            -         850,000         -
        Bureau of Street Services Sidewalk Vending Program Vehicles  -    450,000         -            -            -
        Bureau of Street Services Tree Watering Program Vehicles  -       385,000         -            -            -
        Fire Helicopter Replacement                               18,300,000  -           -            -                2,600,000

        Fire Vehicle Replacement                                  23,925,597  20,000,000             15,000,000             20,000,000             20,000,000
        Fire Voice Radio System Upgrade (Phase II)              -        3,300,000        -        3,100,000              4,000,000
        GSD Fleet Shop Equipment Replacement                    -         519,286         -            -            -
        GSD Materials Testing                                   -            -            -          61,041         -
        GSD Vehicle and Equipment Replacement                     13,746,969             10,000,000             10,000,000             42,023,539              8,000,000
        ITA Public Safety Radio Infrastructure Replacement      -            -            -            -                1,200,000
        ITA Service Vehicles                                    -            -          55,000         -            -
        ITA Simulcast Trunk Radio System Replacement            -            -            -            -                3,900,000
        Police and Fire Radio Infrastructure                    -            -            -         534,158         -
        Police Helicopter Replacement                             11,189,359              6,380,323  -    7,472,289              7,351,537
        Police Vehicle Replacement                           970,296              1,212,767  -      10,244,712              9,378,000
        Recreation and Parks BIID Equipment                     -            -            -                2,729,700  -
        Recreation and Parks Homeless Encampment Cleanup        -            -            -         390,000         -
        Recreation and Parks HVAC Assessment Vehicles           -            -            -         360,000         -
        Recreation and Parks Tree Maintenance Vehicles          -         188,403         -         315,597         -
        Transportation Mobile Command Vehicle                   -            -            -         600,000         -
        Transportation Traffic Signal Safety Project            -            -            -               30,000,000  -
        Yards and Shops Equipment                               -         299,519         -            -            -
        Zoo Computer Tomography Scanner                         -            -            -            -                1,182,831
        Zoo Electric Utility Golf Carts                         -            -            -            -          40,000
        Zoo Equipment                                           -          85,000         -            -            -
                                               Subtotal  $         80,360,839  $         50,082,879  $         36,065,000  $       124,130,618  $         87,273,368

      Real Property:
        77th Street Regional Jail Section Sprinkler Replacement  $  -    $   -    $       -    $             545,622  $  -
        AHSC Transportation Projects Front Funding              -            -            -                2,000,000  -
        Alpine Recreation Center Expansion                      -            -         686,034         -            -
        Arlington Livability Services Division Regional Facility  -          -            -            -         488,721
        Asphalt Plant I - Annex Site Improvements               -            -            -            -                8,629,774
        Asphalt Plant I - Recycled Asphalt Pavement Canopy Structure  -      -            -            -         230,000
        Asphalt Plant I (Phase II) 25th and Harriet Site Improvements  -     -                1,000,000              1,200,000  -
        Asphalt Plant II Facility Safety Improvement            -         487,298         -            -            -
        Asphalt Plant II Operational Equipment Improvement      -         670,000         -            -            -
        Asphalt Plant II Storage Silo Safety Improvement        -         806,272         -            -            -
        Asphalt Plant Acquisition                                  6,000,000  -           -            -            -
        Barnsdall Park - Residence A                            -        1,900,000     500,000         -        1,600,000
        Bridge Improvement Program - Program Contingency        -            -            -         400,000      400,000
        Building Equipment Lifecycle Replacement                   2,500,000              2,500,000              2,500,000              2,500,000  2,500,000
        Capital Program - Bureau of Street Services             -            -         500,000      750,000      750,000
        Capital Program - El Pueblo                             -            -         200,000         -            -
        Capital Program - Figueroa Plaza Buildings           500,000      800,000         -         500,000      549,000
        Capital Program - Public Works Building              375,000         -            -        1,100,000              1,514,625
        Capital Program - Van Nuys Civic Center              450,000      200,000      225,000      225,000      225,000
        Capital Program - Zoo                                   -            -         250,000         -         500,000
        City Hall East Electrical System and P4 Improvements    -            -            -                1,250,000  -
        City Hall Entry Doors                                   -            -            -            -         600,000
        Citywide HVAC Improvements                              -            -            -                1,772,000  -
        Citywide Infrastructure Improvements                    -        1,360,000              1,000,000              1,000,000              1,000,000
        Citywide Roof Capital Repairs                           -            -            -         760,000      760,000
        Civic Center Master Development Program                    6,500,000             11,300,000  -    -         -
        Convention Center, Capital Improvements                    9,389,000              4,366,000              3,802,000              6,415,000             21,755,000
        Council District 8 Constituent Service Center              2,000,000  -           -            -            -
        Donald C. Tillman Livability Services Division Regional Facility  -    -          -            -         312,963
        Electric Vehicle Chargers Infrastructure                   3,500,000  -           -                3,000,000              2,100,000
        Electric Vehicle Chargers - Fire                        -        2,200,000        -                         -
        Electric Vehicle Chargers Installation and Power Upgrades - Police              2,000,000  2,000,000  -    1,000,000              1,000,000
        Electric Vehicle Infrastructure for Yards and Facilities  -          -            -            -               2,000,000
        EMD/Police Ahmanson Recruitment Center Electrical Panels  -       396,437         -            -            -
        Engine Company 23 Junior Arts Center                    -            -            -            -               1,650,000
        Fire Station Alerting System Replacement                   4,000,000  -           -            -         500,000

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