Page 97 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 97

                                              CHANGES BY DEPARTMENT

            Department    Category              Blue Book Item Title              Dollars          Positions
                                                                                              Regular  Resolution

                                     Employee Assistance Program                       7,861     -         -
                                     Fire Health and Welfare Program                1,798,977    -         -
                                     Police Health and Welfare Program              2,272,222    -         -
                                     Supplemental Civilian Union Benefits           (108,997)    -         -
                                     Unemployment Insurance                           800,000    -         -
                                     Workers' Compensation/Rehabilitation          19,165,000    -         -

                                                               Proposed Changes    30,953,388    -         -
                                     Total                                        805,331,098    -         -

                       Adopted Budget
                                     2021-22 Adopted Budget                        21,221,181    -         -
                                                                Adopted Budget     21,221,181    -         -
                       Leasing       General Fund Leasing                          (1,000,000)   -         -
                                                               Proposed Changes    (1,000,000)   -         -
                                     Total                                         20,221,181    -         -
            Liability Claims
                       Adopted Budget
                                     2021-22 Adopted Budget                        87,370,072    -         -
                                                                Adopted Budget     87,370,072    -         -
                                                                                           -     -         -
                                                               Proposed Changes            -     -         -
                                     Total                                         87,370,072    -         -
            Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund
                       Adopted Budget
                                     2021-22 Adopted Budget                       287,369,505    -         -
                                                                Adopted Budget    287,369,505    -         -
                       Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund
                                     Arts District/6th Street Metro Station EIR     (381,000)    -         -
                       Proposition A   Bikeshare Operations and Maintenance         5,000,000    -         -
                                     Cityride Fare Card                               766,800    -         -
                                     Cityride Fleet Replacement                    13,500,000    -         -
                                     Matching Funds - Measure R Projects/LRPT/30-10  5,000,000   -         -
                                     Paratransit Program Coordinator Services         766,800    -         -
                                     Reserve for Future Transit Service           (59,830,282)   -         -
                                     Senior Cityride Program                        4,882,000    -         -
                                     Smart Technology for DASH and Commuter Express   (5,400,000)  -       -
                                     Transit Operations                            36,645,670    -         -
                                     Youth Program Bus Services - Recreation and Parks  300,000  -         -
                                     Reimbursement of General Fund Costs            (491,895)    -         -

                                                               Proposed Changes       758,093    -         -
                                     Total                                        288,127,598    -         -

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