Page 109 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 109

                                   DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

           2018-19      2019-20      2019-20                                                            2020-21
           Actual      Adopted      Estimated                   Program/Code/Description                Contract
         Expenditures   Budget     Expenditures                                                         Amount
                                                 Budget Formulation and Control - FC1001
       $                    -  $          10,000  $            5,000  1. State mandated services reimbursement claims........................................  $          10,000
                             -             5,000                    -    2. Undesignated.............................................................................................             5,000

       $                    -  $          15,000  $            5,000   Budget Formulation and Control Total  $          15,000
                                                 Management Services - FC1002
       $        128,514  $        130,400  $        129,000  3. Grants management database...................................................................  $        130,400
                           -                   -      2,000,000  4. Census 2020 outreach services.................................................................                 -
                           -                   -      1,000,000  5. Administration of the Los Angeles Justice Fund.........................................                 -
                  35,000                 -         509,000  6. Economic and revenue analysis studies.....................................................                 -
                             -                 -           75,000  7. Street Lighting revenue requirements study...............................................                 -
                             -                 -           45,000  8. Elephant welfare assessments...................................................................                 -
                  89,319                 -         127,000  9. Police deployment study............................................................................                 -
                  22,000                 -                     -  10. Homeless decorative art.............................................................................                 -
                  68,549                 -                     -  11. Homeless planning services.......................................................................                 -
                  31,000                 -      2,360,000  12. Homeless housing development................................................................                 -
                           -                   -           70,000  13. Cannabis licensing audit............................................................................                 -
                192,470                 -           10,000  14. Independent review of the proposed budget for the 2028 Olympics............                 -
       $        566,852  $        130,400  $     6,325,000                    Management Services Total  $        130,400
                                                 Employee Relations Compensation and Benefits - FC1003

       $            $            $            15. Actuarial and consulting services for retirement and employee benefit  $
                140,497         175,000         125,000  studies.......................................................................................................         130,000
                  39,258           45,000           45,000  16. Five-year projection of City contributions....................................................           45,000
                    4,635           10,000           10,000  17. Employee factfinders and/or arbitrators......................................................           10,000
       $        184,389  $        230,000  $        180,000  Employee Relations Compensation and Benefits Total  $        185,000
                                                 Asset Management and Capital Projects - FC1007

       $        109,802  $        280,000  $        192,000  18. Asset management real estate services.....................................................  $        200,000
       $        109,802  $        280,000  $        192,000       Asset Management and Capital Projects Total  $        200,000
                                                 General Administration and Support - FC1050
       $            30,921  $          36,449  $           36,000  19. Lease and maintenance of photocopiers....................................................  $          36,449

       $          30,921  $          36,449  $          36,000      General Administration and Support Total  $          36,449
       $        891,964  $        691,849  $     6,738,000       TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT  $        566,849

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