Page 106 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 106

City Administrative Officer

                                         Asset Management and Capital Projects
           Priority Outcome: Make Los Angeles the best run big city in America
           The Asset Management and Capital Projects Program works to maximize the use and efficiency of City-owned
           real estate by engaging in master planning, managing and providing oversight of real-estate related
           transactions, and identifying development opportunities for increased economic and community benefits
           through real estate development.

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost

           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
             Apportionment of Changes Applicable to Various Programs            (429,724)          -     (471,705)
             Related costs consist of employee benefits.
             SG: ($349,724) EX: ($80,000)
             Related Costs: ($41,981)
           Continuation of Services

            18. CRA/LA Bond Oversight Program                                    125,999          -       178,506
                Continue funding and resolution authority for one Principal
                Project Coordinator to provide administrative oversight support
                for the Bond Oversight Program. Funding is provided by the
                CRA Non-Housing Bond Proceeds Fund. Related costs consist
                of employee benefits.
                SG: $125,999
                Related Costs: $52,507
           TOTAL Asset Management and Capital Projects                          (303,725)          -

          D     2019-20 Program Budget                                          2,276,899        13
                 Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special           (303,725)          -
                2020-21 PROGRAM BUDGET                                          1,973,174         13

   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111