Page 154 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 154

City Planning

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
           Deletion of One-Time Services
             7. Deletion of One-Time Salary Funding                            (729,925)         -      (957,369)
                Delete one-time Salaries, General funding. Related costs
                consist of employee benefits.
                SG: ($729,925)
                Related Costs: ($227,444)
             8. Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding                         (6,969,825)         -    (6,969,825)
                Delete one-time expense funding.
                EX: ($6,969,825)

             9. Deletion of One-Time Equipment Funding                         (209,000)         -      (209,000)
                Delete one-time funding for equipment purchases.
                EQ: ($209,000)
           Efficiencies to Services
            10. Hiring Freeze Policy                                         (1,900,167)         -    (2,501,001)
                Reduce funding in the Salaries General Account, as a one-
                time budget reduction, to reflect savings generated by
                maintaining vacancies consistent with the hiring freeze policy.
                Partial funding is provided by the City Planning System
                Development Fund ($182,426), Planning Case Processing
                Fund ($1,129,955), Planning Long-Range Planning Fund
                ($230,598), and the Warner Center Mobility Trust Fund
                ($9,661). Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: ($1,900,167)
                Related Costs: ($600,834)
            11. One-Time Salary Reduction                                      (400,000)         -      (400,000)
                Reduce funding in the Salaries General Account as a one-
                time budget reduction, to reflect savings generated by
                positions filled in-lieu, maintaining vacancies, and anticipated
                attrition. Funding is provided by the Planning Case
                Processing Fund ($200,000) and the Planning Long-Range
                Planning Fund ($200,000).
                SG: ($400,000)
            12. Salary Savings Rate Adjustment                                 (419,655)         -      (419,655)
                Increase the Department's salary savings rate by seven
                percent to eight percent to reflect the anticipated level of
                attrition and vacancies. Partial funding is provided by the
                Planning Case Processing Fund ($73,146) and the Planning
                Long-Range Planning Fund ($241,594).
                SG: ($419,655)
            13. Deletion of Vacant Position                                     (88,018)        (1)     (128,895)
                Delete funding and regular authority for one vacant
                Geographic Information Systems Specialist. There will be no
                change to the level of services provided. Related costs
                consist of benefits.
                SG: ($88,018)
                Related Costs: ($40,877)

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