Page 225 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 225

                                      DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

              2018-19      2019-20     2019-20                                                            2020-21
              Actual      Adopted     Estimated                   Program/Code/Description                Contract
            Expenditures   Budget    Expenditures                                                         Amount

                                                   Community Arts - DA3001
          $           22,203  $           22,203  $           22,000  1. McGroarty caretaker services........................................................................  $           22,203
                         1,517                     -                     -  2. Warner Grand Theater...................................................................................                     -
                       2,146                     -                     -  3. Barnsdall Gallery............................................................................................                     -

                       42,096                     -                     -  4. Madrid Theatre...............................................................................................                     -
                       13,990            27,288            27,000  5. Watts Towers - deferred maintenance...........................................................            27,288
                     25,949                     -                     -  6. Other deferred capital improvements.............................................................                     -

          $         107,901  $           49,491  $           49,000                  Community Arts Total  $           49,491
                                                   Marketing and Development - DA3002

          $         166,315  $         212,500  $         212,000  7. Improved communications.............................................................................  $         212,500
                         7,288            67,750            68,000  8. Graphic design services.................................................................................            67,750
          $         173,603  $         280,250  $         280,000            Marketing and Development Total  $         280,250
                                                   Public Art - DA3003

          $             9,250  $             1,800  $             2,000  9. Expert services (peer panels, workshops, monitoring)..................................  $             1,800
          $             9,250  $             1,800  $             2,000                  Public Arts Total  $             1,800

                                                   Grants Program - DA3004
          $           39,400  $           50,000  $           50,000  10. Grants administration support........................................................................  $           50,000
                                                 11. Expert services (regional and cultural grant/peer panels, workshops,

                     24,000            21,329            21,000  monitoring).....................................................................................................           21,329

          $           63,400  $           71,329  $           71,000                 Grants Program Total  $           71,329
          $         354,154  $         402,870  $         402,000   TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT  $         402,870

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