Page 239 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 239

                                   DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

          2018-19       2019-20      2019-20                                                            2020-21
           Actual      Adopted      Estimated                   Program/Code/Description                Contract
        Expenditures    Budget     Expenditures                                                         Amount
                                                 ADA Compliance - EG6501

       $        218,259  $        227,506  $        228,000  1. Disabled employee assistance...................................................................  $        297,506
                    3,243             7,000             6,000  2. Case management system.........................................................................                     -
                             -           35,000           35,000  3. Americans with Disabilities Act assistants..................................................           35,000
                           -             22,000           22,000  4. ADA inspection and compliance software…...............................................           22,000
                             -         119,985         120,000  5. Contract lead Certified Access Specialist position......................................                     -

       $        221,502  $        411,491  $        411,000                       ADA Compliance Total  $        354,506
                                                 Community Affairs and Outreach - EG6503
       $            7,000  $            7,000  $            7,000  6. Case management system.........................................................................  $                    -
                  39,846           12,500           13,000  7. Section 508 online training platform and remediation.................................           35,000

       $          46,846  $          19,500  $          20,000         Community Affairs and Outreach Total  $          35,000
                                                 AIDS Coordinator's Office - EG6504
       $            7,000  $            7,000  $            7,000  8. Case management system.........................................................................  $                    -
                967,937         994,305         994,000  9. AIDS prevention programs.........................................................................         994,305
                           -           200,000         200,000  10. Expansion of HIV prevention services........................................................         200,000

       $        974,937  $     1,201,305  $     1,201,000                   AIDS Coordinator's Office Total  $     1,194,305
                                                 General Administration and Support - EG6550

       $          36,679  $            7,000  $            7,000  11. Case management system.........................................................................  $          28,000
                    7,478             2,400             2,000  12. Contract for heavy-duty copier...................................................................             2,400
       $          44,157  $            9,400  $            9,000    General Administration and Support Total  $          30,400
       $     1,287,442  $     1,641,696  $     1,641,000          TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT  $     1,614,211

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