Page 266 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 266

                                     DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

             2018-19      2019-20      2019-20                                                             2020-21
             Actual       Adopted     Estimated                    Program/Code/Description               Contract
           Expenditures   Budget     Expenditures                                                          Amount
                                                   History and Museums - DA3301

         $                    -  $               400  $                    -  1. Artifacts conservation services...................................................................  $               400
                               -                400                     -  2. Archeological monitoring services..............................................................                400

         $                    -  $               800  $                    -     History and Museums Total  $               800
                                                   Marketing and Events - DA3302
         $                    -  $            4,000  $            4,000  3. Event security............................................................................................  $            4,000
         $                    -  $            4,000  $            4,000          Marketing and Events Total  $            4,000

                                                   Property Management - DA3348
         $          34,514  $            2,081  $            2,000  4. Custodial services for off site facility...........................................................  $          32,081
         $          34,514  $            2,081  $            2,000               Property Management Total  $          32,081

                                                   General Administration and Support - DA3350
         $            4,534  $            6,500  $            6,000  5. Alarm monitoring services..........................................................................  $            6,500
                               -             5,000             4,000  6. Lease and maintenance of copier machine................................................             5,000
                               -             1,400             2,000  7. Software licenses.......................................................................................             1,400
         $            4,534  $          12,900  $          12,000      General Administration and Support Total  $          12,900

         $          39,048  $          19,781  $          18,000    TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT  $          49,781

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