Page 339 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 339

                                     DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

             2018-19      2019-20       2019-20                                                             2020-21
             Actual       Adopted      Estimated                   Program/Code/Description                 Contract
           Expenditures   Budget      Expenditures                                                          Amount
                                                   Arson Investigation and Counter-Terrorism - AC3801
         $               500  $            6,000  $            1,000  1. Computer-aided legal research services.......................................................  $            6,000

                    26,888                     -           36,000  2. Forensic photographer services....................................................................                     -
         $           27,388  $            6,000  $           37,000  Arson Investigation and Counter-Terrorism Total  $            6,000
                                                   Fire Suppression - AF3803
         $           73,894  $                    -  $           51,000  3. Disaster response support............................................................................  $                    -
                3,998,090       4,022,163       4,022,000  4. Helitanker lease............................................................................................       4,022,163
                              -             4,000             4,000  5. Pilot proficiency professional services...........................................................             4,000

         $      4,071,984  $      4,026,163  $      4,077,000                         Fire Suppression Total  $      4,026,163
                                                   Hazardous Materials Enforcement - AF3805
         $            2,048  $                    -  $                    -  6. Cannabis Inspection Program environmental reporting system.....................  $                    -

                              -             38,550           38,000  7. Hazardous Materials Program plan update...................................................           38,550

                              -           10,000           10,000  8. Property data tracking services (CUPA)........................................................           10,000

                              -             60,000             60,000  9. Regulatory compliance tracking system........................................................           60,000

         $            2,048  $         108,550  $         108,000         Hazardous Materials Enforcement Total  $         108,550
                                                   Fire Prevention - AF3806
         $           35,000  $           30,000  $           30,000  10.Brush database hosting services..................................................................  $           30,000

                              -           20,000             20,000  11.Construction billing services.........................................................................           20,000
                      8,337                     -                     -  12.Facility upgrades...........................................................................................                     -
                    71,200                     -       2,027,000  13.Fire Inspection Management System development.......................................                     -

                    10,555           39,500             14,000  14.Property data tracking services (brush clearance)........................................             39,500
         $         125,092  $           89,500  $      2,091,000                       Fire Prevention Total  $           89,500
                                                   Emergency Medical Services - AH3808
         $      2,861,651  $      4,000,000  $      4,000,000  15.Ambulance transportation billing collection...................................................  $      4,000,000
                              -             75,000                     -  16.Emergency Medical Services compliance audit............................................             75,000

                    242,798         221,702         240,000  17.Emergency Medical Services wireless service..............................................         221,702

                1,655,822       1,761,193       1,761,000  18.Field data capture services...........................................................................       1,761,193
                    343,893       1,738,000           350,000  19.Ground Emergency Medical Transport program administration.....................           350,000
                5,523,427                     -       6,700,000  20.Ground Emergency Medical Transport Quality Assurance Fee.....................                     -
                4,065,760                     -       4,182,000  21.Intergovernmental Transfer Program participation expense..........................                     -
         $    14,693,351  $      7,795,895  $    17,233,000                  Emergency Medical Services Total  $      6,407,895
                                                   Training - AG3847
         $                    -  $            8,000  $                    -  22.Associate psychologist professional services ...............................................  $                    -

                              -             26,500           27,000  23.Automated External Defibrillator training.......................................................             26,500

                    96,577                     -           84,000  24.Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center security services..........................                     -

                              -           12,000           12,000  25.Youth Development Program risk mitigation training.....................................                     -

         $           96,577  $           46,500  $         123,000                          Training Total  $           26,500
                                                   Procurement, Maintenance and Repair - AG3848
         $         320,126  $         500,000  $         350,000  26.Environmental compliance waste disposal....................................................  $         500,000

                    18,549                     -                     -  27.Equipment and facility maintenance..............................................................                     -

                              -         250,000         250,000  28.Turnout gear cleaning services.....................................................................           375,000

         $         338,675  $         750,000  $         600,000      Procurement, Maintenance and Repair Total  $         875,000

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