Page 394 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 394

Housing and Community Investment

                                                     Rent Stabilization
           Priority Outcome: Create a more livable and sustainable city
           This program administers and enforces the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) by processing the registration
           of multi-family rental units and landlord applications for rent adjustments and no-fault evictions, issuing
           determinations on properties subject to the RSO and RSO exemptions, and investigating complaints regarding
           the RSO. In addition, this program provides education, workshops, and referrals for landlords and tenants
           about the RSO and other housing matters.

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
             Apportionment of Changes Applicable to Various Programs          (1,860,647)        (1)   (2,234,669)
             Related costs consist of employee benefits.
             SG: ($1,615,314) EX: ($245,333)
             Related Costs: ($374,022)
           Continuation of Services
            32. Rent Stabilization Ordinance Unit Preservation                   256,726          3       377,114
                Continue funding and add regular authority for three positions
                consisting of one Housing Investigator I and two Management
                Analysts to support the preservation of Rent Stabilization
                Ordinance (RSO) units and monitor and enforce RSO Ellis
                provisions. Funding is provided by the Rent Stabilization Trust
                Fund. Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $256,726
                Related Costs: $120,388
            33. Tenant Buyout Program                                            146,543          -       219,266
                Continue funding and resolution authority for two positions
                consisting of one Senior Administrative Clerk and one Housing
                Investigator I to collect, record, and investigate tenant buyout
                agreement violations. Funding is provided by the Rent
                Stabilization Trust Fund. Related costs consist of employee
                SG: $146,543
                Related Costs: $72,723

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