Page 396 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 396

Housing and Community Investment

                                        Multi-family Residential Code Enforcement
           Priority Outcome: Create a more livable and sustainable city
           This program provides systematic and compliant-based habitability inspections of multi-family residential
           properties with two or more rental units. The program is supported by a fee assessed to property owners of
           multi-family residential buildings.

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
             Apportionment of Changes Applicable to Various Programs          (1,898,738)          -   (1,940,317)
             Related costs consist of employee benefits.
             SG: ($1,845,709) EX: ($53,029)
             Related Costs: ($41,579)
           Continuation of Services
            35. Assistant Inspector Training Program                             133,348          -       202,031
                Continue funding and resolution authority for two Assistant
                Inspector IVs to comply with the Los Angeles Housing Code
                inspection noticing. Two vacant Assistant Inspector IV
                positions are not continued. Funding is provided by the
                Systematic Code Enforcement Fee Fund. Related costs
                consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $133,348
                Related Costs: $68,683
           TOTAL Multi-family Residential Code Enforcement                    (1,765,390)          -

          D     2019-20 Program Budget                                         20,406,348       194
                 Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special         (1,765,390)          -
                2020-21 PROGRAM BUDGET                                         18,640,958       194

   391   392   393   394   395   396   397   398   399   400   401