Page 404 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 404

Housing and Community Investment

                                             Housing Strategies and Services
                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
           Continuation of Services
            50. Homeownership Program                                            124,761          -       176,888
                Continue funding and resolution authority for one Financial
                Development Officer I to create homeownership opportunities
                for low income families. Funding is provided by the Community
                Development Trust Fund ($74,857), the Foreclosure Registry
                Program Fund ($24,952), and the Municipal Housing Finance
                Fund ($24,952). Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $124,761
                Related Costs: $52,127
            51. Land Development Program                                         579,115          -       839,996
                Continue funding and resolution authority for six positions
                consisting of one Community Housing Program Manager and
                five Management Analysts to advance the production of
                affordable housing on public land. Funding is provided by the
                Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Related costs
                consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $579,115
                Related Costs: $260,881
            52. Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing Program                    87,210          -       127,840
                Continue funding and resolution authority for one Management
                Analyst within the Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing
                Program. Funding is provided by the Affordable Housing Trust
                Fund. Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $87,210
                Related Costs: $40,630
            53. Lead Program                                                     246,278          -       363,466
                Continue funding and resolution authority for three positions
                consisting of one Administrative Clerk, one Project Assistant,
                and one Rehabilitation Construction Specialist II to remove
                lead-based paint from low income households with children six
                and under at risk of lead poisoning. One Rehabilitation Project
                Coordinator II is not continued. Funding is provided by the
                Community Development Trust Fund. Related costs consist of
                employee benefits.
                SG: $246,278
                Related Costs: $117,188
            54. Land Development Paralegal Services                               75,000          -        75,000
                Continue one-time funding in the Contractual Services Account
                for paralegal services to assist in the preparation of disposition
                and development agreements for City-owned properties.
                Funding is provided by the Low and Moderate Income Housing
                EX: $75,000

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