Page 409 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 409

Housing and Community Investment

                                           General Administration and Support
           This program provides department-wide administrative services, including executive management, budget
           development, accounting and financial services, personnel administration, and administration of the
           Accessible Housing Program. The Accessible Housing Program is mandated by a settlement agreement to
           ensure persons with disabilities have access to the City's affordable housing programs and that 4,000 units
           are made fully accessible over the term of the agreement.

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
             Apportionment of Changes Applicable to Various Programs          (4,095,191)        (2)   (5,388,512)
             Related costs consist of employee benefits.
             SG: ($4,094,337) EX: ($854)
             Related Costs: ($1,293,321)

           Continuation of Services
            64. Accounting                                                       978,591          -     1,459,276
                Continue funding and resolution authority for 12 positions
                consisting of one Accounting Clerk, eight Accountants, two
                Senior Accountant IIs, and one Management Analyst and add
                funding and resolution authority for one Accountant to provide
                administrative and accounting services to the Department. Two
                positions consisting of one Accounting Clerk and one vacant
                Accounting Clerk are not continued. Partial funding is provided
                by the Community Development Trust Fund ($263,790), Low
                and Moderate Income Housing Fund ($196,156), Affordable
                Housing Trust Fund ($121,110), and other special funds
                ($279,156). Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $978,591
                Related Costs: $480,685
            65. Billing and Collections for Rent and Code                        215,034          -       322,657
                Continue funding and resolution authority for three Accounting
                Clerks to support the Rent Stabilization Ordinance, Systematic
                Code Enforcement Program, and Rent Escrow Account
                Program billing activities. Funding is provided by the
                Systematic Code Enforcement Fee Fund ($161,276) and the
                Rent Stabilization Trust Fund ($53,758). Related costs consist
                of employee benefits.
                SG: $215,034
                Related Costs: $107,623

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